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france zone logo

the department of pyrénées-atlantiques

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Basque national flag

Department 64 - Pyrenees Atlantiques

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new! Cathedrale Saint-Gatien at Tours  Cathedrale Saint-Gatien at Tours

Romanesque churches and cathedrals in south-west France updated: Romanesque churches and cathedrals in south-west France

 the perpendicular or English style of cathedral  Manchester cathedral

the fire at the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris
the fire at the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris
cathedral giants - Amiens and Beauvais

Stone tracery in church and cathedral construction illustrated
stone in church and cathedral construction

stained glass and cathedrals in Normandy illustrated graph

fortified churches, mostly in Les Landes

cathedral labyrinths and mazes in France
using metal in gothic cathedral construction

Germans in France
cathedral destruction during the French revolution, subsidiary page to Germans in France

Click for an introduction to cathedrals and stained glass in France.

on first arriving in France - driving
France is not England
paying at the péage (toll station)

Click for motorways and motorway aires in France.

Transbordeur bridges in France and the world 2: focus on Portugalete, Chicago, Rochefort-Martrou
Gustave Eiffel’s first work: the Eiffel passerelle, Bordeaux
a fifth bridge coming to Bordeaux: pont Chaban-Delmas, a new vertical lift bridge

France’s western isles: Ile de Ré
France’s western iles: Ile d’Oleron

Ile de France, Paris: in the context of Abelard and of French cathedrals
short biography of Pierre (Peter) Abelard

Marianne - a French national symbol, with French definitive stamps

la Belle Epoque
Grand Palais, Paris

Click to go to pages about Art Deco at

Click to go to 'the highest, longest: the viaduct de Millau'

Pic du Midi - observing stars clearly, A64
Carcassonne, A61: world heritage fortified city

Space City, Toulouse

the French umbrella & Aurillac

50 years old: Citroën DS
the Citroën 2CV: a French motoring icon

the forest as seen by Francois Mauriac, and today
Les Landes, places and playtime
roundabout art of Les Landes

Hermès scarves

Hèrmes logo

bastide towns
mardi gras! carnival in Basque country
country life in France: the poultry fair

what a hair cut! m & french pop/rock

Tour de France 2024

Le Tour de France: cycling tactics illustrated


New translation, the Magna Carta

basque tradition

advertising disclaimer


Costumes dating from the eighteenth century worn by Basque folk dancers.
Costumes dating from the eighteenth century worn by Basque folk dancers.
Basque dancer doing a high kick.
Basque dancer doing a high kick.

Basque dancing and band in the sports hall at Hasparren
Basque dancing and band in the sports hall at Hasparren

Basque dancing at Souraide
Basque dancing at Souraide

Basque dancing at Souraide

Basque dancing at Souraide

Basque dancing at Souraide

Basque Force team at Souraide: preparing for the tug-of-war
Basque Force team at Souraide: preparing for the tug-of-war -
wide cummerbands are carefully and tightly wound round the waist to support the back.


basque architecture

A Basque etche built as a hydroelectric sub-station
A Basque etche built as a hydroelectric sub-station

Basque houses at Saint Engrace, next to the churchyard
Basque houses at Saint Engrace, next to the churchyard

Basque homes, from a roundabout planted with wild flowers
Basque homes, from a roundabout planted with wild flowers

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