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on logic, Aristotle and Kurt Gödel

on A.M. Turing

intelligence and statistics

franchise and citizenship

see more of abelard's site map

establishment psycho-bunk:

  1. – ‘lie detection’
  2. – Ritalin and junk science
  3. – ‘dyslexia’
  4. – repressed memory


  1. – what is memory, or intelligence? Incautious claims of ‘IQ’ genes

sloppy logic

living in our world

at the maths zone -
sums will set you free

from ablelard

on Barak Obama

Pierre/Peter Abelard, his history, writings and influence

on group behaviour, ethics and social interactionssee more of abelard's site map

energy and global warming - complete list here

  1. replacing fossil fuels: the scale of the problem
  2. is nuclear power really really dangerous?
  3. replacements for fossil fuels—what can be done about it?
    3a Biofuels   3b Photovoltaics (solar cells)
    3c Non-pv (photovoltaic) solar technology
    3d Tar sands and shale oil    3e Wind power
  4. Global warming
    4a Anthropogenic global warming, and ocean acidity
    4b Energy pricing and greenwash
    4c How atmospheric chemistry and physics effects global warming
    4d Antarctica melting ice, sea levels, water and weather implications
    4e Gathering data to test global warming
    4f Arctic melting ice, sea levels
    4g Shifting global weather patterns
  5. energy economics and fossil fuels—how long do we have?
  6. Ionising radiation and health—risk analysis
  7. Transportable fuels
    7a Fuel cells
  8. Distributed energy systems and micro-generation
    8a Geothermal systems and heat exchangers
    8b Combined energy systems
  9. Fossil fuel disasters

sustainable futures

information and reference

on Socialism

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on Adolph/Adolf Hitler

on Henry Ford

selected authors

economics,money and finance

teaching reading

selected quotations










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