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New translation, the Magna Carta

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all documents written by abelard, unless otherwise credited

on the logic of psychology

why aristotelian logic does not work
Aristotelean logic is the shaky foundation of western thinking and is the cause of conflicts throughout western culture. A primer to thinking sanely.
Now translated into French: Pourquoi la logique Aristotélicienne (Descartienne) ne fonctionne pas

laying the foundations for sound education
Teaching the basics of psychology, including the difference between reality and the words in their heads, to children and adults. This is also the intent of “meditation”, properly understood.

the logic of ethics; with commentary on the ethical teaching of Abelard le Pallet
Ethics involves the manner in which we decide to live with each other. This document lays out the core logic for analysing and discussing ethics. This document also discusses the accusations directed against Abelard’s ethical click to see more short abstracts of documents at abelard.org teaching, accusations made at the ‘heresy’ trial of Abelard at Sens in 1140.

feedback and crowding
This document demonstrates a system of logical and reality-based interaction that can help diffuse, or even resolve, problems in communication. Includes the logic of anger management.

tweets from abelard.org
Metalogic – A: The Confusions of Gödel
An analysis of the multiple problems and unsound foundations involved in Gödel’s theorems (in four parts).
  A1: Gödel and sound sets
The requirement for sound sets.
A2:Gödel and sound numbers
Just what are numbers?
  A3:Gödel and the ‘paradoxes’
Removing the confusions known as ‘paradoxes’.
A4:The Return of the Gödel
Are Gödel’s theorems just a dog’s breakfast?
  Supplement: logicians, 'logic' and madness (chapter 3 of sociology - the structure of analysing belief systems)

Metalogic B: decision processes
With glosses on Turing’s approach to the Entscheidungsproblem
click to see more short abstracts of documents at abelard.orgHow to think about taking decisions in a clear and rational manner – an analysis of the logic of decision-making.

mathematical background to problems with the logic of statistics

‘intelligence’: misuse and abuse of statistics
The generalised tool of statistics is widely mis-applied to individual cases and decisions, a process that varies somewhere between fraught and outrageous.

cause, chance and Bayesian statistics
The methods of empiric statistics. improving judgements.

Is Intelligence Distributed Normally? By Cyril Burt, 1963
A paper on the distribution of high IQ.

Available in advanced html form. For viewing the formulae on this page, a Microsoft Internet browser (version 4 or above) is necessary.
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(In IExplorer, go to View menu, Text Size; in Netscape, go to View menu, Increase Font.)

statistical inquiries into the efficacy of prayer - Francis Galton, 1872
In 1872, Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin, published this study on the efficacy of prayer. Also in this document are Galton's ingenious method for visualising a million and a short biography of Galton.

background to problems with the logic of sociology

herds and the individual - sociology, the ephemeral nature of groups
abelard on the illusions of society, where humans act as individuals while believing they are part of a wider group, or groups. This is often studied as 'sociology'

h.g. wells and other fabians - a socialist with a rather better mind
Looking at both a literary great and the origins of UK Socialist ambitions and policies.

Abelard of Le Pallet: introduction
A short outline biography of Abelard of Le Pallet, complete with an adequate selected bibliography and map. Includes key references.

the logic of ethics; with commentary on the ethical teaching of Abelard le Pallet
Ethics involves the manner in which we decide to live with each other. This document lays out the core logic for analysing and discussing ethics. This document also discusses the accusations directed against Abelard’s ethicalteaching, accusations made at the ‘heresy’ trial of Abelard at Sens in 1140.

“Logic has made me hated among men” : Abelard of Le Pallet on theology click to see more short abstracts of documents at abelard.org
Why was Abelard persecuted and tried for heresy? Abelard's teaching on logic, particularly in relationship to theology and his trial for heresy at Sens.


the rise and fall of the Church of Rome
History of the Church of Rome in the context of the 21 papal Ecumenical Councils, highlighting political, ideological and dogma conflicts within the Christian Church, its Roman and Orthodox branches. Includes key references.

‘heresies’, authority, quarrels and words
An historical account and logical analysis of ‘heresies’ generated by the various factions of the Roman Church through the past two thousand years.

On aliquid – Roland, pope Alexander III, 12th century
A section from the notes of cardinal Roland of Siena, later pope Alexander III. In my view, these notes are probably based on lectures by Abelard.

For Socialism and Peace: the Labour Party's Programme of Action
documents the constant drive of the British Labour Party for a centralised Socialist state, and for disarmament and appeasement. Labour Party pamphlets and speeches tracing this drive are a major ingredient of this page.
Also see German bad faith between the wars: Socialism and appeasement.

the psychology and development of Adolph Hitler Schicklgruber
The intent is to let Hitler tell you who he is himself through his own words: to focus on just who Hitler was. This is supplemented by what I regard as the cogent experiences of his youth that shaped his perceptions. Includes key references.

Did Hitler know about the holocaust? A psychological assessment
This document provides a psychological assessment considering indicators that Hitler was fully aware of the implementation of the holocaust. Includes key references.

Franco was not a Fascist
Often wrongly clumped in with other dictators of the first half of the 20th century, Franco was not a Socialist and so not a Fascist.

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child education zone | cycling zone | economics zone | France zone | Japan zone | maths zone |
socialism-sociology zone |
Spain zone | technology zone
Henry Ford, a psychological study
  Henry Ford, ignorant genius - introduction
Henry Ford was an industrial genius, but his lack of education left him without great depth of character or cultural sophistication.
  Henry Ford, ruthless business manipulator
Henry Ford gained control and succeeded in business by relentless and incisive actions.
  Henry Ford, mechanical man - Model T, modern times
aHenry Ford built his production system as if assembling some gigantic piece of clockwork People were just incidental parts in that machine to be cared for, kept in order and discarded as advantageous.

Quotes by and about Henry Ford
Quotations drew from Henry Ford’s writings. Fourth document in a new major psychological study by abelard.

the psychology of rex stout, nero wolfe and archie goodwin
Learn basic psychological reasoning with Nero Wolfe and Archie Goodwin, with some assistance from Rex Stout; with quotes and reviews for all the Nero Wolfe novels. Much of my site, thus far, has been devoted to propagating the advanced technical logic required in order to discuss psychology and many related issues sanely. With this document, I am finding room to discuss more simple, day-by-day, relational pragmatics. And, as a bonus comes the fun of visiting the Wolfe household.
click to see more short abstracts of documents at abelard.orgFor more advanced texts, start here.

The psychology of Georges Simenon and Jules Maigret
Georges Simenon is a psychologist of considerable ability. He has written seventy-nine novels with Jules Maigret as his foil, and a great deal of other material. To think of Maigret as detective stories would be to confuse Simenon's real purpose, the study of people - so a fellow traveller.


relating to A.M. Turing

the turing test and intelligence
This document clarifies the meaning of the Turing test and suggests that meeting the Turing test is already in the process of being achieved.

computing machinery and intelligence - a.m. turing, 1950
Original article by Alan Turing on machine intelligence, where he introduces the famous Turing test.

On computable numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem - a.m. turing, 1936
Paper by Alan Turing where he investigates the Entscheidungsproblem ,or halting problem.

Available in advanced html form. For viewing the formulae on this page, a Microsoft Internet browser (version 4 or above) is necessary.
There are many complex characters in this paper; if you find them difficult to distinguish, you are advised to increase the viewing size.
(In IExplorer, go to View menu, Text Size; in Netscape, go to View menu, Increase Font.)

£ ¥ $ € economics and money zone at abelard.org £ ¥ $ €

Documents on how government swindles such as inflation and the E.M.U. work, together with other documents giving information on how to transfer value (often money) through the Internet.

fiat money and inflation     gross domestic product (gdp 1)     quality of life measures (gdp 2)  
moneybookers information    e-gold information

corporate corruption, politics and the law
corporate corruption, politics and the law - how government and big business help each other to make fortunes and to ruin society and the environment click to see more short abstracts of documents at abelard.org

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documents on individual freedoms, rights and responsibilities

the Magna Carta, 1215—a new English translation by abelard.org
This new translation of the Magna Carta of England from abelard.org tackles various ambiguities caused by other, sloppy translations. It is a translation from the Latin of the original version of the Magna Carta (or Great Charter) of England, drawn up by the English Barons, and signed by King John at Runnymede in 1215. With links to an extensive glossary and Latin original text.

franchise by examination; education and intelligence
This document argues that adult franchise be subject to qualification by examination, with associated changes to the formalisation of legal process. It is argued that further human social advance is dependant upon radical change of this type. Also discusses the nature of intelligence in terms of education and heredity. Includes key references.

citizenship curriculum
Outline curriculum for citizenship and related commentary. This document is planned as the central switching junction to a sound curriculum for citizenship studies.

memory, paranoia and paradigms
This document bears on decisions regarding the organisation and running of society, and in the manner in which the young are educated.

power, ownership and freedom
Power, ownership and freedom are closely linked and all are frequently mis-handled. How much freedom can a society manage and how much freedom is reasonable or constructive? Social damage is click to see more short abstracts of documents at abelard.orgcaused by the unanalysed and rigid notions of ownership.Background to a future document on business.


documents for educating the young and uninformed in basic living skills

how to teach a child to read using phonics
A clear and simple explanation of how to teach reading rationally and systematically. Aimed at teachers and parents. NOT look-say.

a phonetics chart for british english
The basic English sounds and the usual phonetic symbols, with examples and downloadable sounds.

reading and vocabulary tests, and related information
A simple and easily used test to assess a child's reading ability. With the top 250 words of the average person's vocabulary.

drugs, smoking and addiction
The psychology of addiction and the authoritarian attack on individual liberty, known as the 'drug' war. Why users become accustomed to drug-taking and the possible consequences. The advantages to government and big business of ‘illegal’ drugs.

children and tv violence
document publicising the correlative relationships between violence and observing violence, with particular focus on visual fictional violence. Includes key references.

hearing damage and loud music - abelard (research: xavier)
Document on the relationship between loud noise and ear damage, with particular reference to young people and loud music.

orange is tertiary: the theory of colour
Understanding colour on a rational basis. How to teach in manner that avoids confusion while taking account of biology, art and physics.

illustrative stories

and then there were none – eric frank russell, 1951
 Anarchy in action - an excellent model of an anarchistic or free society in science-fiction form, written by Eric Frank Russell, one of the great masters of science-fiction.

profession – isaac asimov, 1957
 An allegorical description of the manner in which education currently functions in our primitive Western societies, written by another great master of science-fiction.

brer fox, brer rabbit and the briar patch rewritten by xavier ilustrated
An old tale of psychological manipulation rewritten. How to get contrary idiots to do what you want. click to see more short abstracts of documents at abelard.org

information resources

Links to information resources at abelard.org are collected together in one place.
Click on this button to go to the information resource page.


why i use a non-standard layout - abelard
why abelard uses no capital letters and a modified layout. redundancy in language and the capitalisation of ego. civil liberties and orthography.

about abelard and abelard.org
about abelard, abelard.org mission statement, skills and activities that abelard offers, citing abelard, advertising policy, changing browser settings, using the web, avoiding html attachments are amongst topics in this document to help visitors to abelard.org

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938 words
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