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New translation, the Magna Carta 

Useful sites
More about the information resources included on this page
these are just some of the more useful news resource sites that i scan regularly.
  (when a site requires a user log-in, i immediately drop it from my list of resource sites. There are always plenty more fish in the sea.)
i am including several sources from around the world, as tapping into these sources encourages a more rounded perspective on news items.
putting a site on this list indicates that i find it useful for information. It does not indicate that i regard the site as unbiased or reliable. Naturally, the comments given are entirely my own opinion.

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blogs and associated rss feeds (where available) news and other useful websites fossil media on the web


Belgravia dispatch

rss feed for aoiko's blog


google news


Int. Herald Tribune

Washington Post

Salt Lake Tribune

CS Monitor

Belmont club
best of the web
(Wall Street Journal)

Guardian main site

Education Guardian

Weekly Standard

National Review




Associated Press


Foreign Affairs


ABC News

BBC News

the dissident frogman





Sydney Morning Herald

China through a lens


National Post (Canada)

James Hammerton


rss feed for James Hammerton's blog


exchange rates

brent crude



New Scientist




Andrew Sullivan


National Geographic

New in Science






Samuel Brittan

Malcolm Gladwell

  google search
  click to view the table of links to useful sites
More about the information resources included on this page


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ABC News Major American independent broadcaster.
altavista I use this search engine as an alternative to Google, sometimes when I’m doing a particularly complex search, or when Google fails to return satisfactory targets. Alta vista also has useful date bracketing facilities.

A useful site, not only for buying books but as a major, accessible book catalogue for seeking titles on subjects, or for books on which you only have partial information.
Associated Press What is called a wire service. The sort of feed from which other newspapers obtain their stories.
Brent crude Daily prices of crude oil from the North Sea.
BBC News Although the BBC provides highly biased and thin reporting, their standards have risen markedly in the last year or so.
China through a lens News out of the vast, censored area known as China. As the country gradually opens so, increasingly, small glimpses appear from behind the curtain.
Christian Science Monitor A good general source of news, despite its strange title.
CNN Major american independent broadcaster.
exchange rates This site gives exchange rates for major currencies. However, it does not include gold prices or pre-Euro European currencies.
Foreign Affairs A monthly with analytic articles on the subject of the publication’s title.
google news Best general news service available. Claims to track 4,000 publications.
google search The best general keyword search engine of which I am aware.
Advice on using search engines
The Guardian main site Despite being highly biased, the Guardian is becoming a very useful archive.
Education Guardian A weekly source of items of interest to educators. A bit parochial, but specialised.

International Herald Tribune

Useful for well-written, short items on a wide range of topical and scientific subjects. The articles, generally, are short and usually reasonably precise. This site is dedicated to issues concerning freedom and liberty. It has many resources related to bills of rights, including a new translation of the Magna Carta of 1215. Particular attention is devoted to the current attacks on civil liberty in the UK, but issues extend far beyond those shores. also manages this site.
 National Geographic Idiosyncratic items on environment and sociology.
National Post (ca) Canadian source with a neat off-beat flavour.
National Review Right-wing political, American. Articles vary from intelligent and hard-headed articles to drivel, unworthy of a 14 year-old suffering a severe acne attack.
Nature Thin, but useful, science news.
New Scientist Thin, but useful, science news.
New in Science Thin, but useful, science news.
PlanetArk Most useful (that I know) daily environmental source. Generated by Reuters.


What is called a wire service. The sort of feed from which other newspapers obtain their stories.
Salt Lake Tribune The State of Utah is, effectively, a theocracy. Therefore, it has an idiosyncratic take on political affairs. The Salt Lake Tribune is the major print media source in the state that is in dependant of Mormonism.
Saudi Arabia News items in English.
ScienceDaily Best available daily science update.
ScienceTech Daily Various background science links. more weekly than daily. Includes idiosyncratic items.
Slate Wide-ranging, unstuffy, gossipy.
Sydney Morning Herald Useful Australian resource. Sometimes gives an interesting view on international news.
Weekly Standard short, concise, informed and immediate news reports
UPI what is called a wire service. The sort of feed from which other newspapers obtain their stories.
Washington Post a politically powerful news source.
aoiko new, impressive blog [note that the author finds that term unaesthetic]
Belgravia dispatch  

Belmont club

best of the web (Wall Street Journal) Both informative and fun. Often very informative and very funny. Read it every day and cheer yourself up.



the dissident frogman  
James Hammerton  
limbic Limbic provides links to many sites of interest, as well as commentary. The most interesting blog I have yet seen. Good to see someone adventurous and creative working in this recent form.

Andrew Sullivan

Malcolm Gladwell  
Samuel Brittan  
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