the fuzziness of perception
- All real world objects are fuzzy relative to human perceptive activity and acuity.
- The fuzziness varies greatly between the objects perceived, the person perceiving, and the degree of relevant training and
"experience of the perceivers".
- Often seen quoted in a condensed form: "If you cannot measure it, then
it is not science."
— William Thomson Kelvin
loyalties and war
- It may be supposed that loyalty is a fine and uncluttered thing, but as Jesus of Nazareth said, "you cannot worship God and Mammon".
He also suggested the pragmatism of "rendering unto Caesar". Note that this is a formulation of the separation of State and religion.
Jesus also alluded to this problem with the parable of the Good Samaritan, when he asked, "Who is my neighbour?".
- Society is a cacophony of competing demands, and of power seekers vying for the service of available sheep, whether it be
states or families, religions, chess clubs, or criminal gangs.
- In the last couple of hundred years, advanced states have worked to accumulate ever more power, setting up increasing tension
between those states and the family and the tribe or village.
- Each grouping uses from weapons of guilt, rhetoric, onto unlimited degrees of mainforce, as they try to capture hearts
and minds of available disciples.
sets of cards
- People can be considered as being as a set of cards, which have a particular set of attributes that can be considered
as items of their role in life, character, ambitions, instincts, fears and beliefs. In one person the set might be:
loyal, friend, policeman, father etc
Another could be
terrorist, uneducated, resentful.
Yet another could be
socialist, priggish, certain.
- These cards/traits/descriptions are apparently what classifies, and so 'makes' the human beings wandering around the planet. Or that is how many people regard themselves and others, as belonging to a set of cards, or even just one of these cards.
- These cards describe clans, tribes, gangs, groups, social class, religion, party, sect, the establishment, greens, rainbows, ...
- People are part of a pack of cards - catholic pack, the communist pack, the Daesh pack and so on.
- Some cards in different packs are the 'same', communists and Daesh are both sure they are right, they both know and have The Truth, both kill
those who fail to recognise and accept this clearly superior truth which should surely dominate world societies. The communists will cleanse away
wrong thinkers, while Daesh will remove the infidel.
- A table is made of wood. A table is in one pack, wood is in another, so they cannot be the same item according to members of one particular pack.
- Keep in mind that no two things are ever the same. [See also the
error called ‘equality’]
measuring a collective
- I shall use the socialist religion page as an example. This may take, for example, the section on Sorel. A given individual
may put greater or lesser emphasis on this element of the religious dogma. A member's objective may be different. Fellow conspirators/believers
will have different ideas or nuances.
- Take the main six dogmas. Emphasis and different understanding will vary among the group. Assume some 'perfected' theory
or a bible of the religious dogma.
- Then each person in a group could theoretically be assessed on how many of the dogmas they held, and to what degree
they believed, or asserted they believed, each dogma/meme.
- Of course, they would each believe, or attempt to convince their fellows, that they were the true believers as they competed for attention,
for dominance and for acceptance; meanwhile convincing themselves that they are part of a collective or movement or perhaps a more important/valuable cog.
some notes on the paris attack, 13 november 2015
- I am interested in the ginormous public expression of solidarity against the ignorant loons that perpetrated the latest Jihadi attack.
Surely that cannot serve the interests of lunatic central.
- I am interested to note that most of these attacks are primarily made against young people.
I am reminded of the Oxford proposal in the 1930s:
"We will not fight for king and country."
When it came to it, they led the fight against National Socialism.
- Perhaps the primitives believe they can scare the young into the Corbyn/Obama "Peace at any cost" brigade, from appeasement to submission.
I see little sign that is going to be anything but counter-productive for the would-be jhadis.
- I took time to watch a session of Eagles of death metal - quite an impressive group, and very macho.
- I am impressed at how 'soft' are many Middle Easterners. They seem threatened by more advanced civilisation.
You see the same with Putin's ridiculous posturing as the Russian empire recedes into history.
- These people appear to find adjusting to a lesser role in history a very painful experience. The group/tribe/nation become
less powerful, and so can claim less resources.
mass murder psychology
- Note the similarity to many mass murders, such as in school shootings, perpetrated by 'losers'. They kill as many as they can,
and then kill themselves (or provoke the "suicide by cops" option). Hitler, Saddam Hussein, or Ceaușescu do the
same on a larger scale.
- There are some unsophisticated 'reporters' calling these self-destructive ignoramuses, 'brave'. As is often said, suicide is the coward's way out.
These sad loons are indeed cowards who cannot face the stresses and problems of normal life.
misthinking can start from childhood
- A stick of dynamite is reasonably safe until you light the fuse.
For example, the ruler of Germany, Angela Merkel, was 'educated' in the former German Socialist Republic.
That programming very likely remains buried in her head (computer).
It just needs the appropriate stimulus.
The refugee 'crisis' appears to have sparked that fuse for her.
- Most humans are simply mad. They have nuttiness conditioned in during childhood. Those nuttinesses stop them thinking well under
various and unpredictable circumstances.
- Look at Barack Obama, raised between Islam and Marxism.
It is very foolish to ignore such facts.
- Look at the loon that raised Ed Miliband with his Marxist nonsense. Now in Britain, there is Jeremy Corbyn.
- This may be psychological rocket science, but it can be understood with sufficient study.
leaders and followers, acolytes
- Although the apparent 'calm' behaviour of this type of attacker is related to hypnosis, it is more complex than that. It is more a matter of
cult conditioning.
- These aggressors are losers, following 'leaders' who are often shysters manipulating them. For another example, look up 'love bombing' by the Moonies (followers of Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church).
- The shysters play on the insecurities and resentments of ignorant and lonely/isolated people.
- These 'leaders' are more like mafiosi/gangsters.
gangsters, cult leaders, fanatical fervour - taking power
- A group of Socialist fanatics took over Russia in 1917. Another similar group took over Germany in the 1930s. The mafia, the Colombian and
Mexican drug cartels control billions of dollars and kill at will.
- Supposedly ideological groups often start as criminal gangs. Then people try to consolidate, they form franchises, they try to
get a cut of the market.
- It happens in business, it happens as tribes form nations. Lawyers do it, accountants do it, protection rackets and franchises work that way.
This is not 'mysterious'. It is standard human behaviour and social structure formation.
the ways socialists lie
- By 'trashing' the person - a form of distraction.
- Using a false assumption in questions posed, or replies made.
Goebbels method of lying:
- Repeating a lie over and over again until it is widely believed.
- Telling a big enough lie.
e.g. the British banks caused the 2008 recession in Britain.
e.g. Labour was the origin of the NHS.
Sorel method:
- Bringing up a myth to radicalise people and prepare them for war.
See also Labour Party structure.
destroying the given order
- Lenin method:
Lenin was right. There is no subtler, no surer
means of overturning the existing basis of society than
to debauch the currency. The process engages all the
hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction,
and does it in a manner which not one man in a million
is able to diagnose.
Economic Consequences of the Peace,1919, ch. 6]
This is, of course, the point. This is the objective of Marxists/Socialists - to so disrupt society that they can take over.
Lenin generated devastating inflation. The rouble depreciated about 50 million times by 1923 [Katsenellenbaum, Russian
Currency and banking, 1914-24, published 1925].
- Stalin method:
Kill off the establishment. Examples: The French Revolution and Stalin's attempt to kill the capitalists (kulaks).
Kill off anyone with education. Examples: Pol Pot, Mao's cultural revolution, the Iranian revolution also used similar methods.
- Cloward-Piven method:
"First proposed in 1966 and named after Columbia University sociologists Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, the Cloward-Piven Strategy seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse."
"In their 1966 article, Cloward and Piven charged that the ruling classes used welfare to weaken the poor; that by providing a social safety net, the rich doused the fires of rebellion. Poor people can advance only when "the rest of society is afraid of them," Cloward told The New York Times on September 27, 1970. Rather than placating the poor with government hand-outs, wrote Cloward and Piven, activists should work to sabotage and destroy the welfare system; the collapse of the welfare state would ignite a political and financial crisis that would rock the nation; poor people would rise in revolt; only then would "the rest of society" accept their demands."
[Quoted from]
the functioning and malfunctioning of association
- A central function of mental behaviour is building associations. For example, I plant seeds and food grows.
- A human, with development of language, has become detached from direct
interaction with nature. All manner of fictions have become part of his reality. Associations are no longer only those arising from
the real world. Some very dysfunctional associations are formed.
For example,
- if you are a good person, you will go to paradise, do not pass go, if you blow yourself up in the market place of the infidel,
you may even believe you will get a harem;
- the class enemy is the capitalist who runs the farm. You will become rich if you kill him;
- if you make friends with your neighbour's wife or husband, going to bed with them, you will become spiritually dead, you will burn
for ever in hell's fires.
These foolish associations tend to lead to mayhem and general unpleasantness.
See also Mind reading end note.
- Thus, a person can think about 'things' that do not even exist , or are unreal.
- Notice, using example at 38c., the association between two unconnected ideas/ memes - copulation and hell fire (ideas of death and of endless torture).
Putting such associations into young minds is liable to lead people into great confusion, where death and sex become linked, and where,
under almost random circumstances, such links can become very dangerous, for example, serial sex murder.
- Notice the mixture of real world memes, such as sex, and imaginative ideas, such as hell fire.
- You must always teach a person to systematically refer both the assumptions and the supposed links between those assumptions back to
the real world. (See also Hume and cause) (See also chance, cause, choice)
- 'Islam' is a series of memes - see, for instance, socialist_religions.
The selection of memes in any individual mind may interact with one other. Which memes that have been imbibed by any individual
cannot be determined from the outside.
Then, there is how much those memes that have been internalised or which may interact under various external inputs;
nor can you forecast how the individual interprets those memes.
catching behaviours
- People widely imitate the behaviour of others around them. They often catch a behaviour in the
manner of catching a disease.
the human is a hipporhinocercow
- A human being is a strange fellow, balanced between the individualist, akin to a tiger, and a herd animal like a sheep,
mixed with some mad dogs or people aspiring to live in an ants' nest. Human behaviours change and interact according to context and 'personality'.
- Humans, with their tendency to neoteny and a big brain are considerably more intelligent and, therefore, more adaptable than
other earthlings.
- If you take a group of humans and make half red hats and half blue hats, they will sort themselves into two tribes. These two groups of people will tend to start competing, developing different cultures.
- It is important to know who are your enemies.
- One lot will call themselves the Romans and another lot, the Celts. Every Roman will know it's fine to worship their leaders as a god,
while every Celt will know that if the harvest fails, it is a religious duty to sacrifice their leader to propitiate the gods.
theories and creative nonsense
- Humans make all sorts of associations without useful or real evidence in the world and nature at large.
Here is a short list of such nonsenses.
- The CIA are after me.
- I've been abducted by aliens.
- Jews control the world.
- I can read minds.
- Astrology can predict the future.
- “The first effect of not believing in God is to
believe in anything.”
After G.K. Chesterton.
- Humans are endlessly creative as they try to make sense of a confusing and cacophonous world battering on the senses, so they make up theories.
- Some examples of what I am talking about can be found in the psycho-bunk section.
- A great deal of rubbish can also be found under economic forecasting, government pronouncements, and advertising claims.
- Theories about black holes are not much use without strong, empirical evidence.
- A sane person is integrated and enmeshed with realism and reality. The inclination of academics to break mental functioning
into Aristotelean bits may be useful for thinking about the world , but it is a very poor guide for life.
On emotion,
regarding the film Inside Out.
Minsky - gone, an important mind
in artificial intelligence [x]
Mind reading - interactive guide to emotions
- Each emotion may be considered as a meme.
shopping bags
- You will notice that persons who subscribe to one religion or another will gather a whole clogging mass of detritus unrelated to their cult.
- Example: Anthropogenic global warming. Socialists will 'believe'
in it and eagerly embrace it as an excuse for accreting more power to government. On the other hand, ring-wing fundamentalists will jump to
the opposite corner, denying scientific fact and clinging tightly to their filthy fossil fuel profits.
- You will find these shopping bags of beliefs, fashions and tastes with any cult - even to similarity of dress, as can be seen in
the extreme of the burkha. This ludicrous garb is very little rooted in the tenets of Islam. Again referring to my page on socialism, how many daft things can be believed before breakfast?
- Each belief should be considered to be a meme.
This becomes aggravated by random, meaningless associations with other memes.
beliefs and actions
- Beliefs (thoughts) do not matter. Actions do.
Usually, a belief in unicorns will not result in public aggravation.
- Thus, many daft beliefs may not result in daft actions.
- Democracy of beliefs does not work.
- A few may believe - a few may not matter;
- millions may believe - a million may invade and enslave you.
- Facts are useful.
Knowing the beliefs of idiots is useful because idiots are liable to attack you if you let them know, or they discover, or even
falsely believe that you do not hold their beliefs.
- Other people's beliefs, however irrational, are part of the reality in which you live.
agreement and belief
- Can we both agree on an item in the following?
- MI5 is after me.
- Trees can grow taller than people.
- There are (defined as) 3 feet in 1 yard.
- Women 'should' cover their hair and/or several other parts of their bodies.
- Is the agreement concordant with language and external reality?
useful facts
- Known unknowns - what you know that ain't so. (See also red hats.)
- Particular selections of mixtures of sense and nonsenses are labelled are 'a religion', or even a personality!
worked example for understanding political and
religious behaviour
This example is in the form of interaction between abelard and a correspondent.
- Please define 'fundamentalist'.
Someone who believes fairy stories in preference to reality,
and who tries to force the fairy tales on other people (society).
- So would you define a socialist as someone who believes in "equality" and who tries to impose that on others?
It is one fairy-story/meme. [See also equality.]
It is a part of what a person called a socialist, or who calls themselves a socialist; will usually claim to believe (I cannot see inside their head).
For me to call them a socialist, a
crude shopping bag,
I would want them to believe at least three or four of the daft beliefs which make up the socialist religion.
(Again, I cannot check the meaning or degree of 'belief' without further investigation.)
- At Socialist religions, you list "some dogmas of
socialism", such as puritanism, authoritarianism, collectivism/anti-individualism, class hatred and anti-ownership.
Should I conclude then that holding three or four of these dogmas would qualify someone to be a socialist in your eyes?
Yes. I probably put the belief in collectivism highest (not solidarity).
You also have the tall poppy approach to dictatorship or office politics.
- Re: Islamism, do you make a distinction between Islam and islamism?
Do you regard all Muslims as being fundamentalists?
See counting beliefs - irrational associations [this page].
Having read this page, I'm speculating that you don't regard all Muslims as fundamentalists,
in as much as you'd at least want to figure out which of the memes of Islam are guiding their actions,
and whether they wish to impose Islam on others before making such a judgement.
Yes. However, one belief is that lying to promote the religion is acceptable, or even recommended.
- Regarding those Muslims living, for instance, in Britain, would you suggest that most are not fundamentalists and that only a minority are?
Or do you believe the fundamentalism may be more prevalent than that suggests?
My own guess is that wide swathes believe about as much as the usual teen who knows little more
than their ipad and who they've friended on Farcebook.
- I'm currently mulling over the following points...
Depending on the precise mix of memes, a Muslim living in a Western democracy might be a fundamentalist who seeks
the imposition of Islamic rule on the country they live in (perhaps as a prelude to worldwide caliphate even), without
being a terrorist threat,
because they've decided that they can/will/should achieve their goals peacefully and lawfully via building up a
political movement that will eventually win power and then legislate to set up an Islamic state.
Consider the Fabians,
with their bunch of socialist memes. Step by step, I believe the logic could well move them towards mass-murder.
Life is a path. You set out with one intention, and you end up somewhere very different.
The law of unintended consequences, and the paving on the road to hell come to mind.
Are there any particular socialist memes you'd single out?
The strength of belief in the dogmas is relevant.
Forced equality.
Forced fraternity.
Part of the screed is the linking of memes in dysfunctional association/s.
- So it seems to me that in as much as Islamist fundamentalism is a threat to the West (or anything not conforming to
the fundamentalism), the terrorism we've seen may merely be the most visible and violent expression of it.
If there are large numbers whose main disagreement with the terrorists is the violent means employed to advance
Islam/the caliphate, then a narrow focus on the terrorism may mean we're in danger of missing an important part of the action.
Yes, crudely. Assuming I follow that bit, I'll develop a bit.
Consider an inchoate teen.
- He believes he'll get seventy-three sloe-eyed virgins and a permanent erection.
- He believes he will find approval in the group if he blows up infidels.
- He believes he will please his mother figure/s.
- His mafia boss has threatened to kill his mother and baby sister if he doesn't.
You may consider in order -
- A normal teen, obsessed by girls (or boys), thinks of sex 504 times a day.
- The outsider, say a runt, constantly bullied by the local oafery, yearning for membership and belonging.
- Perhaps he has been encouraged to dependence as opposed to self-actualisation (independent thinking).
- is rational, as it involves real world beliefs.
All these may end up in an exploding pest.
What is the probability if the teen has been raised as a Moslem?
If there
are .001%, there will be a few but annoying number, and you are unlikely to detect them easily in advance.
If there
are 1%, you have a very big problem.
If the pool is a million, and you can predict the memes and the associations that are most dangerous,
then you can adjust your education/conditioning process to lower the problem.
Donald Trump [2016] is proposing a hiatus on letting the potential population in (consider internment of potential enemy agents in
war time)
or you can carry the risk,
or you can supervise a school system (with people of sufficient ability) and stop employing socialists or Islamic fantasists.
- In other words, there is no one way.
- Filtering involves judgements based on statistical evidence.
- Every individual and situation is in fact different.
- It requires linking exploding with memes and associations, an empiric investigation problem.
As an aside, remember every organisation boss is looking for how to achieve her ends, whether it be producing plastic bath ducks
in Peking, or gaining power over a region.
(Remember the mafia boss does not need to believe any of the nonsense of the 'religion'. She may just be using it for her 'pathologic'
aims and power seeking.)
Socialism, and previously smallpox, kill by the millions, indeed, by the tens of
millions. All that differs is the mechanisms.
now read
logicians, 'logic' and madness