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I regard it
as obvious that Obama is a Marxist. To avoid this conclusion
requires culpable blindness. principal ‘actors’ in Obama’s upbringing and closest relationships, a summary
& Unitarianism - Obama had a very insecure home life. Obama’s father (Muslim), his mother’s first husband, left their home in Hawaii when Obama was about 2 years old. Between the age of about 5 to 10 years old, Obama had an Indonesian Muslim step-father, who had left by the time Obama was 10. Thereafter, Obama was parked with his American (maternal) grandparents. Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was a sociology type who liked to move around. His mother and grandparents, who primarily raised him, were from a Unitarian background. Unitarianism is a sort of Christian sect that does not believe Jesus is god, but is a prophet. Unitarianism regards regular Christianist groups as polytheist, views fairly congruent with some Islamic inclinations. These congregations were regarded as heavily left-leaning. The chosen church of Obama’s grandparents was nicknamed “The Little Red Church on the Hill”. This church apparently acquired this label because it held “well-publicized debates and forums on such controversial subjects as the admission of ‘Red China' to the United Nations....” [Quoted from East Shore Unitarian Church website - page no longer available.] Obama later went back to Hawaii to bury his granny in the local Unitarian church there. Frank Marshall Davis [1905-1987] Davis is regarded by Obama as Obama’s mentor while he was young. Obama’s grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham arranged/approved Obama's mentorship by Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis. They were close friends and drinking buddies. Davis was a proven card-carrying member of the Communist Party, the FBI having a 600-page file on Davis’s activities with the CPUSA (Communist Party of the USA). Obama also was generally drawn to Marxists. Liberation theology, including Jeremiah Wright’s church Jeremiah Wright is a follower of James Cone. Liberation theology is, in fact, ‘Marxism’ hiding in Christian semantics. That is, liberation theology is not Christianity. Further, Obama’s ‘church’ follows a particular form of liberation theology called ‘Black liberation theology’. This is an overtly and violently racist creed.
Popes, including the current one, have spoken out, warning against liberation theology. For instance, Pope Benedict XVI, in 1984 when still Cardinal Ratzinger, wrote Instruction on certain aspects of the “theology of liberation”. He also wrote a ‘private’ document that precedes Instruction. Patronage by Ayers and Dohrn Both William [Bill] Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn are Communists. Ayers ghost-wrote Barack Obama’s book, Dreams from my father. Obama claims that his name ‘Hussein’ is sourced from his Kenyan grandfather. And yet, Obama continually promotes himself as bridging gaps between black and white and everything else! Why does he see such gaps? He claims to understand Islamics yet promotes himself as a ‘Christian’, while minimising his contact in the past with Islam. Obama is not an African-American, but is half Kenyan and half white American. However, he has strongly identified himself as a black American, to the extent of joining a church that is determinedly black and which appears to have black Islam links, such as Farrakan. See also Obarmy and religion - an interview, here is a small portion:
obama and kenyaRaila Odinga is the politician currently disputing elections in Kenya.
Odinga and Obama both have roots in the Luo tribe.
obama’s ‘church’The head and founder of the Church was Pastor Wright, but he was replaced in Spring 2008 by a younger minister, Rev. Moss. Barack Obama has now [31 June 2008] ‘left’ his church of twenty years involvement after a guest preacher gave a racist rant against Obama’s Democrat nomination opponent, Hilary Clinton.
Why is the left-wing fossil media not informing you of these issues? Is it political correctness? Why is the right-wing fossil media straining every sinew to promote Obama? Is it Brer Rabbit saying, “Anything but throw me into the bramble bushes” because they know that Obama is much easier to defeat than Clinton? |
Why the wish to cosy up to Islamic and socialist dictators? Why isn’t the fossil media probing this chancer? Note that Obama identifies himself as ‘a black American’ and has deep roots in Islam and Unitarianism. See obama’s ’church’ and notes on obama and religion for much more detail.
milking emotion and ignoranceNote that Obama is drawing his main support from black voters, the soggy-minded white middle classes and inexperienced, emotional youths. the immaturity of the obaabaaabarmy army made manifest in ‘song’
And much more similar maudlin exudate to cloy your day. sayings of chairman obarmy