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listen to democrats on their own candidates’ qualifications to be president! Only 17% of Clinton supporters ‘think’
Obama is very qualified to be president,
As this may be read by Demogogacrats, let me explain. Even among Hillary supporters, only 79% think she is
very qualified This means more Obama supporters do not have much confidence (correctly of course) that Obama is fit to lead. That is, over one-fifth of Hillary supporters do not think she is very ready to lead, and nearly three-tenths of Obama supporters do not think he is very ready to lead . Also revealing, on being asked the following question:
only 15% answered:
Quite incredible. Only a dogmatist could prefer their own prejudices to whether ‘their’ candidate can win the presidency (given they have no serious problem with a candidate). related material the web address for the article above is |
obarma and religion - an interview [11 pages] Attend to the fact that, as usual, Obama tells you little of what he does believe.
Note the cynical intent by Obama to use religion to his objectives. This is reminiscent of the socialist ‘the end justifies the means’. related material the web address for the article above is | |||||||||||||||||||||
the web address for the article above is | |||||||||||||||||||||
why is obama not presidential material - why is obama so confused
Now if only it were Shelby Steele running for election.
There is a 5-part interview, based on his book, A Bound Man: Why We Are Excited About Obama and Why He Can't Win, accessible from this page. There are other useful book summaries available from the page. Part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 This is the one book of analysis on Obama I thought I may have to read. Maybe this interview will save me the task. Recommended viewing. This is the one book of analysis on Obarma I thought I may have to read. Maybe this interview will save me the task. A Swahili name, Barack has its origins in Arabic. The Arabic root of the name, B-R-K, means ‘blessed’. In Arabic, this root is used in many other phrases to indicate blessings and people who are blessed:
Why then is it provocative/unfair blah blah etc to use his Hussein name, but not unacceptable to use his Barack name? His names were clearly given by his Muslim father. Added data: for a good part of his life, Obama has been addressed ‘Barry’. Written by an alleged, long-term associate of Obarma’s daddy:
I have not yet seen this about “many accidents” in other sources. Obama Senior also has children by other women.
This is clear, in that several of Daddy Obama’s children have been educated in the West. But while granddad was not among the worst off, neither am I yet convinced that he was ‘rich’. Why Condoleezza Rice left the Democrat Party:
related material the web address for the article above is | |||||||||||||||||||||
brown the clown attempts to be statesman-like on immigration and citizenship Quotes taken from a speech made by UK prime minister Gordon Brown the Clown on citizenship.
Yes, Gordon Brown is a socialist. The individual doesn’t matter, only the herd.
Yes, the collective....
Yes, we are “interlinked”.... There is no such thing as the individual.
What “rights”? Where is the real Bill of Rights?
“Fate”? Is he a muslim?
Again, the collective...
We are the nation, we are the country, we are we... Again, there is no individual. Long live the herd..... the web address for the article above is | |||||||||||||||||||||
the sleazy clown and his ‘new’ labour wasters - the secretive, spendthrift, socialist state
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at last, hillary confronts obarma
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“my experiences at princeton have made me far more aware of my blackness than ever before” - missis obama This item has been incorporated into michelle obama despises america - and why it matters the web address for the article above is | |||||||||||||||||||||
why is the media hiding obama’s alleged gay fling and coke use?
The accuser has also gone to court with his
allegations, claiming intimidation. The accuser agrees to take polygraph test
The above source seems to have offered $10,000 up-front just for taking the test. Note, so-called ‘lie detection’ is junk science. For more see ‘lie detection’. related material