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New translation, the Magna Carta

  the democrats are simply not fighting the same battle as the right is fighting

the economic battle

The Democrats are well able to pass a rescue bill without The Republicans, but they’re scared it won’t be acceptable to the public.

But they’re refusing to compromise with Republican concerns about Democrat socialistic ambitions. The Democrats want to use the problems, for which they are heavily responsible, as an excuse to extend government power further.

And the Republicans are not prepared to endorse that.

The Republicans want the lowest possible impact on taxpayers. The Republicans want accountability.

The Democrats just want more power and more pork.

9:59 minutes. Suggested by the auroran sunset:
“a little ‘enthusiastic’, but otherwise a nice job.”

the presidential debate battle

Of course, McCain ‘won’ the first debate, if you’re honest and objective. But you must remember Democrats are not after that sort of person.

The Democrats merely throw sand and hope to confuse the less able.
The Democrats seek to spread a thick layer of emotion over every slice, to appeal to the uneducated and uninformed.

The Democrats are simply not fighting the same battle as the Right is fighting.

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obama and mccain - a matter of judgement - facts are stubborn things

“If Congress does not act, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system, and the economy as a whole.”
John McCain, May 26, 2005

Marker at

“Senator Obama talks a tough game on the financial markets but the facts tell a different story. He took more money from Fannie and Freddie than any Senator but the Democratic chairman of the committee that regulates them. He put Fannie Mae’s CEO who helped create this disaster in charge of finding his Vice President [...].”

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fanny mae and freddie mac - a history
fanny mae and freddie mac - the best politicians money can buy?

who is obama?
obama - judgment and experience

the web address for the article above is

is this a new departure for capitalism?

Governments increasingly buying free market assets in the capitalist economies.

France buys up British nuclear power. Bush buys up junk bonds. Sovereign funds buying into Western businesses.

This is a change from nationalisation, where governments stole assets or ‘rescued’ sinking companies to appease union shirkers.

This is governments becoming active participants in capitalist markets.

related material
fanny mae and freddie mac - a history
fanny mae and freddie mac - the best politicians money can buy?

the web address for the article above is

socialist government trying to censor the internet, google cooperating - the auroran sunset

No, it’s not red China this time, but Brown the Clown’s Britain:

“YouTube is to ban footage showing weapons being used to intimidate people on its website in the UK.”

Soon to banned video:

6:32 minutes

the web address for the article above is

well-crafted speech from bush on the economic turmoil

Two excellent pieces of craft - anyone who finds them is to get a green star!

And one typical piece of Bush humour:

“ [...] The SEC is also requiring certain investors to disclose their short selling, and has launched rigorous enforcement actions to detect fraud and manipulation in the market. Anyone engaging in illegal financial transactions will be caught and persecuted [sic].”