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previous news—

headlines from
July 2017 to August 2018

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New translation, the Magna Carta
       child education zone - maths and reading explained
economics a pound is now worth threepence - a story of twelve-sided inflation 2016 pound and 1938 threepenny bit 23 August
previous news headlines label 2019 I  
2016 I-V VI-XII
for previous years


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Click for motorways and motorway aires in France. updated: current fuel prices in france graph 8 August
Click for motorways and motorway aires in France. new secondary road speed limits, from summer 2018 illustrated 6 August
science and technology /
sarsens - silification, petrification, etc. 5 August
  headlines for July 2018  
fun /  france  the earth moved - for france graph 20 July
france a new french president brings a new marianne stamp illustrated 19 July
Tour de France 2018 new!
the tour de france 2018 - celebrating france, celebrating the tdf illustrated graph
3 July
  headlines for May 2018  
giro d'italia 2018 new!
il Giro d'Italia 2018 starts this Friday:
Middle East meets West, climbing all the way
 illustrated graph
2 May
  headlines for March 2018  
behaviour and intelligence /
 sums will set you free 
small lesson on stats for innumeracists - stop worshipping sums 13 April
Click for an introduction to cathedrals and stained glass in France. new!
stone tracery in church and cathedral construction  illustrated graph
7 April
politics uk /  socialism and sociology agent cob, the labour party and anti-semitism 4 April
headlines for March 2018
politics uk /  socialism and sociology  is agent cob, a.k.a. jeremy corbyn, anti-semitic? 28 March
politics europe power and history - the modern psychological mess 27 March
world of fundamentalism islamic violence among petty criminals 26 March
Click for an introduction to cathedrals and stained glass in France. classifying stained glass windows illustrated 12 March
headlines for february 2018
economics five sensible rules for investing - warren buffett 26 February
Click for an introduction to cathedrals and stained glass in France. updated and expanded:
stained glass - development and techniques, and rose windows
25 February
Click for an introduction to cathedrals and stained glass in France. new!
stained glass and cathedrals in Normandy illustrated graph
23 February
Click for an introduction to cathedrals and stained glass in France. updated and expanded :
french cathedral plans, and facts
8 February
headlines for january 2018
Click for motorways and motorway aires in France. new: 2018 fuel prices on the road in france 7 January
politics usa /  behaviour and intelligence  on trump - incompetent or capable? 7 January
Click for motorways and motorway aires in France. updated: current fuel prices in france 1 January
ecology / france more taxes, of course (for the environment) - happy new year froggie style 1 January
headlines for december 2017
economics a lot of nonsense talked about digital currencies 18 December
politics uk /  socialism and sociology  on the support of the poor 18 December

politics world

why is israel different? 16 December
behaviour and intelligence on the dimensional nature of a point of IQ score 11 December
Click for motorways and motorway aires in France. updated: current fuel prices in france 1 December
headlines for november 2017
economics /  socialism and sociology  belloc on distributionism - sharing a nation's wealth equitably 28 November
politics uk /  socialism and sociology  slow recovery from labour's housing collapse 17 November
science and technology social messaging - medieval style 5 November
behaviour and intelligence why god became man - "I believe in order that I may understand" 4 November
headlines for october 2017
Click for an introduction to cathedrals and stained glass in France. new!
stone in church and cathedral construction illustrated
15 October
politics uk theresa may - obviously competent but no high-flyer 7 October
headlines for September 2017
socialism and sociology /  politics  how to handle a new caligula? 3 September
socialism and sociology /  politics usa  socialism is built on hate - but they do love chelsea! 2 September
headlines for August 2017
economics /  socialism and sociology  warren buffet: on socialists, and gold nutz 21 August
politics usa /  behaviour and intelligence  robert e. lee works poorly as the left's confederate villain 20 August
behaviour and intelligence political correctness is stunting free speech 19 August
behaviour and intelligence exploding snowflake heads 18 August
socialism and sociology new!
the problem of moderation beta release
15 August
socialism and sociology has socialism ever produced any good for the poor anywhere at any time? 9 August
headlines for July 2017
ethics /  politics uk  the gard child and ethics - who owns the child? attitude contrasts in uk and usa 31 July
economics /  alternative energies 

the energy economics of electric cars - no pressure

30 July
Click for motorways and motorway aires in France. another eussr attack on the motor car 29 July
Click for motorways and motorway aires in France. île de ré : braking the summer traffic jams from 2017 illustrated 15 July

ecoomics /  politics uk 

recovering from labour's economic disaster 14 July
Click for an introduction to cathedrals and stained glass in France. new!
lantern towers of Normandy and elsewhere illustrated graph
7 July

Who is Barak Obama?


For earlier headlines, please go to previous headlines for January to June 2017 page



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