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New translation, the Magna Carta



want a seriously funk house? buy a missile silo

Beautiful homes has nothing on this stuff. Explore the site for endless fun.

Nuclear attack-hardened for the seriously paranoid.

Just an example:

silo house at ground level

“Wamego, KS Unquestionably the best preserved Atlas E site in existence (only 27 built) Started with a $3.3million (1960’s dollars) hardened underground structure Some original equipment remaining and functional On the outskirts of Wamego, KS (pop. 3700) 26 acres (more or less) with ½ mile asphalt paved driveway 16,000 sq.ft. floor space refurbished and retrofitted 2 main structures connected by 120 ft. tunnel Complete interior structure intensively cleaned with quality paint job Living area in 4000 sq. ft (app) in former Launch Control Building 3 large carpeted living room areas; ceramic tile in hallway, kitchen, bathrooms Spacious marble bath complex, with high ceilings, heavy beams and red cedar 1100 gallon tiled hot tub, sauna room (parts needed) Domed 4-head shower area with glass brick Red cedar bath and closet; 3 finished bathrooms in all Massive 11,000 sq. ft. shop/garage area with 3 rooms, (former Launch Service Building) Missile Bay Room, refurbished and painted at considerable expense 100 ft. long by 20-30 ft wide (app) with 20 ft high ceiling 47 ton drive-in door operates electronically High chain-link fence around central complex (barbed wire top) Electric rolling gate with remote control and key punch codes (repairs needed) Two 4000 sq. ft. metal buildings on surface 1 newly built (1999) 100’ x 40’ 12’ high 1 1960 built quonset style 100’ x 40’ (repainted) Newer water pumping windmill – operational Generator shack and massive battery bank for alternative power (less generator) Extensive electrical upgrades, Property unused for nearly 3 years needs TLC Corps of Engineers presently remediating ground water contamination problem Rare piece of real estate with historic significance
Price: $595,000
** Shown to serious capable buyers only ** ”

view showing silo balst doors

Put the cat out ... and make sure the doors are closed, hu-u-u-u-unnny.

< Hallway: 2000lb blast door

Or – for other ‘hardened’ opportunities

Surplus to requirements microwave towers, some said to be a snip at $25,000. An Excel list of 170+ towers currently available from this link.

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