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socialism during the roosevelt depression - a book review On taxes on company profits and employment. [p. 334]
It is hard to say whether The Forgotten Man is a very good book, or a rather boring and rambling one. I like it very much, it contains endless verbal photographs, in date order, relating to the Great Depression in the USA between 1927 and 1940. The book wanders across the confused, inconsistent and largely ineffectual response of the American government to the Great Depression. Every now and then, with a very light hand, there is inserted a gentle observation on macro-economics. I have a very marked preference for facts over opinion, and this book provides that. It is interesting to see the beginnings of very recent problems in the American economy originating in Roosevelt’s socialism. It was he who was responsible for setting up Fanny Mae, and for giving untramelled power to the corrupt and ruthless unions that have seen the American Big Three motor (and other) corporations lurch from crisis to crisis ever since. The seeds of government safety nets, such as Medicare and Welfare, which the American state has struggled with ever since, also took root during the Depression. The pseudo-intellectuals often admired, and tried to learn from, the likes of Mussolini and Stalin. The disputes between intellectualism and pragmatism and between statism and individualism continue to shape and confuse modern society right into this new century. God save society from enthusiastic theorists. related material
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modern russia - 90 years of progress thanks to socialism
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on how the left-wing spin to forward dogma Matthew
Parris muses on the muddle of Brown the Clown
and ‘New’ Labour. It is worse than sad to watch UK leftists for ever attempting to use the country and troubles for political advantage.
You can see the same sort of leftist amoral eagerness to exploit the country's problems from Obama’s chief of staff.
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the truth about the clown’s economic mismanagement surfaces despite the accumulating sewage of socialist labour lies
Also, the cowardly media dinosaurs are still twitching as they expire:
and trusting the crack addicts in no. 10
And lastly, more from Boris:
Hey, why is the Groaniad [the Guardian] not reporting on the Clown’s lying and incompetence?
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“mccain is just as bad as obama”, they say - the auroran sunset There is little doubt in my mind that Obama is, amongst other serious problems, corrupt, a conman and a demagogue. I have started to notice a strange pattern when this topic is broached in conversation. Those that prefer Obama tend to respond with something along the lines of “McCain is just as bad” or “all politicians are corrupt/lie”. This is a amazing example of the power of the socialist policy of language corruption developed by Goebbels, ‘popularised’ by Orwell, and employed by Obama and his friends in the fossil media. In particular, these attitudes demonstrate the successful use of three standard socialist techniques of opinion manipulation:
So is McCain really somehow equivalent to Obama in terms of dishonesty and corruption? Here is the reality: Obama built his political career by working his way up through the corrupt Chicago ‘Democratic’ machine. Chicago/Illinois corruption is renowned and clearly runs from Mayor Daley’s office. Mayor Daley’s brother is currently under criminal indictment indictment and, in one election, Daley was forced to run without a supporting slate because all his main helpers were either under indictment or convicted. An indication of how far Obama rose in this sewer is his appropriation of top Daley strategist, David Axelrod. McCain, meanwhile, built his political career fighting corruption both within his party and generally, including sending members of his party to jail for a multi-billion dollar bid-rigging and bribery scam. Obama is one of the heaviest earmarkers in the Senate, averaging around 1 million dollars per day during his 2-year term. Many of these earmarks have already been clearly linked to matching campaign contributions - that is, the contributions were bribes. McCain does not take earmarks and has campaigned for years to ban this egregious form of corruption. Obama is a top recipient of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac contributions, despite only being a senator for two years. The corruption and sweet-heart deals of the FMs [Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac] are at the heart of current housing and credit problems in the US. Obama employed two ex-CEOs of Fannie Mae - both resigned in disgrace due to shady accounting practices (known as “fraud” in plain English). Jim Johnson was appointed as one of three people on Obama’s VP search committee; and Franklin Raines acted as a housing and mortgage advisor. Note that in both cases, Obama attempted to cover up and deny the connections once they became inconvenient, much as he did with his long-term black-supremacist preacher, Jeremiah Wright and with domestic terrorist and Obama’s long-term political ally, Bill Ayers. McCain attempted to force regulation on the FMs and repeatedly warned of their behaviour, but was blocked by the ‘Democrats’ in Congress, led by one of the top FM largesse recipients, Barney Franks. Franks shut down debate by threatening a campaign painting as racists any who attempting to stop the FM corruption. Tony Rezko has been convicted on 16 federal bribery and fraud charges. Rezko was Obama’s top campaign fund-raiser and a close advisor. Rezko and Obama bought two halves of a piece of land On the same day. For some reason Obama paid under value for his half and Rezko paid over value for his. Then later, Rezko sold cheaply part of his half to Obama. In an amazing coincidence, Rezko obtained a series of government contracts in Obama’s district to build housing for the poor. Rezko’s convictions relate to his deliberate sub-standard building, and to defrauding of his poor and often ignorant tenants. In other words, Obama took bribes to aid and abet the defrauding and endangerment of his poorest constituents. Of course, Obama claims to be on the side of the poor. Obama claims to support “Sunshine in Government” attempts to force corruption into the light. However, in his campaign he sued, and threatened to sue, bloggers and news organizations publishing information that he did not want publicised. McCain has consistently campaigned and voted for Sunshine policies, including the “McCain-Feingold” act. Obama disabled the standard anti-fraud credit card checks on his campaign contribution website, allowing anyone to get around the election laws limiting individual donations, undeclared donations and donations from foreign nationals, as well as enabling simple identity theft frauds. By co-incidence, he managed to haul in over 600 million dollars in contributions. McCain has campaigned and voted to both reduce money in political campaigns, and to increase the openness. This is at the heart of the “McCain-Feingold” campaign finance reform act. He also promised to, and then stuck to the federal matching limits for presidential campaign financing. Obama also promised to do this, but then broke that promise. Of course, McCain’s website kept the standard anti-fraud checks turned on. Obama selected a well-known buffoon as his running mate (Joe Biden), someone who also happens to be heavily involved in earmark corruption - he has requested more than 250 million dollars of earmarks for 2009 alone. McCain selected a proven anti-corruption reformer as his running mate (Sarah Palin), someone who’s 80%+ approval rating - the highest of any governor in the union - comes from her political history of fighting the corruption in her own state Republican party, including sending some members to jail for graft. Compare this to Obama’s handling of his state party’s corruption. Obama worked for Acorn as a lawyer, funded Acorn activities via his committees, and then contributed to Acorn from his campaign funds. Acorn is under federal election fraud indictment in most states of the union for systematically paying people to fraudulently register to vote. In a particularly impressive example, they claimed that for this campaign they submitted approximately 1.5 million registrations in Ohio. In fact, they submitted around 600 thousand. Of those, over two thirds were found to be fraudulent. To add icing to the cake, the ‘Democratic’ Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner, refused to pass on her department’s analysis of the fraudulent registrations to the counties - thus making it inevitable that the non-existent voters would remain on the roles. (This is one of the reasons that I put ‘Democratic’ Party in quotes.) Clearly the idea that McCain is just as corrupt or dishonest as Obama is absurd. Just as clearly, the big lie employed by the fossil media and the rest of Obama’s campaign has made this absurdity a ‘fact’ in many people’s minds.
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brown the clown is to star in a new multibillion blockbuster film - ‘carry on lying’
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I watched the election coverage. Polls closed at 7pm, and John Key’s acceptance speech was at about 12pm. Helen Clark made a concession speech before this. Over here, people are more relaxed about what they say. One United Future (part of the right coalition) MP won a constituency seat, but as the party got less that 1% of the party vote, he is the only one in that party who got a seat. So he was referred to as ‘Noddy No Mates’ by the presenter! One of the panel said that slogan for Labour in this election, “This one’s about trust” depended on the attempt to dig dirt on Key, and thus portray him as untrustworthy, being successful. It all backfired. It appears that Labour had intended to manipulate voters into voting against Key. Another story that paid a bit part in this election was that of Winston Peters. He accepted money from a billionaire who was hoping for a government role in Monaco, but didn’t declare it. The voters did not believe his various explanations about why he didn’t declare the money. Nor did they believe that Helen Clark did not know that Winston Peters was acting improperly. The voters were not impressed when Helen Clark didn’t fire Winston Peters from his cabinet position, and didn’t rule herself out of working with him in the future. His party got just under 5% of the vote, and he didn’t come close to winning his seat, so he and his party are out. There were lots of tears in the Labour camp. Clark in her speech referred to a ‘Cause’ they were all working for. Key in his speech said that New Zealand could do better - this is not as good as it gets. He said he will lead a government that valued individual achievement, and “What will determine success is the unity of purpose – a willingness to work together while recognising that our collective success rests on the success of individuals”. Key won his seat with about 22,000 votes, the next closest was about 5,000. Also heard, something that sums up New Zealanders’ attitudes amongst unionized and disappointed Labour supporters. “Well maybe John Key will make us rich”. National will probably not just be in coalition with ACT and UnitedFuture, but also with the Maori party. This gives the coalition, as a whole, more chance of winning the next election in 3 years time. Party leaders and panel acknowledged that this is going to be a hard time to be Prime Minister - due to the world economic problems. Also with Maori onboard, National will not have to rely on ACT support. A commentator suggests that the Maori could propose less palatable policies - like ending the dole! kiwiblog is the best New Zealand political blog I have come across. The writer asks, “What will I blog about now Winston Peters has gone?” Also on the blog, I read that National made a smart political move in ruling out a deal with NZ First (Winston Peter’s party). This showed that a vote for NZ First, which has supported National party in the past, was a vote for Labour. And a vote for Labour, who wanted to keep Winston on side, was a vote for more nonsense from Winston. related material
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congratulations to nz as another socialist falls Maybe NZ can now move forward.
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But Hitler never got 50% of the vote, until he ran his own ‘plebiscites’. related material
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george w. bush - a great man and a great president, ill-served by a dishonest leftist media and by many a shallow babbler
George Bush will be a very hard act to follow.
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obama - focus on reality, so far No supermajority in the Senate. Will the socialist fools compete with the free markets?
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