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  new-labour party political advertising lies

“The Labour party has decided to adopt as its next election broadcast the well-received film used before Gordon Brown's conference speech called 'Against the Odds', has learned.

The video is here:”

2:34 mins

Now for the real world:

5:37 mins

Much hilarity!!


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chinese selective statistics and wobbly economy

China is often touted as an economic tiger. But....

“... inconsistencies in Chinese official statistics — like the surging numbers for car sales but flat statistics for gasoline consumption — indicate that the Chinese are simply cooking their books. He speculates that Chinese state-run companies are buying fleets of cars and simply storing them in giant parking lots in order to generate apparent growth.” [Quoted from]

[Lead from the auroran sunset]

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“...China's intransigence over its undervalued currency has far greater ramifications for the West than its approach to human rights.” [Quoted from]

China has a very low standard of living.At least 300 million are in considerable poverty, and another700 million are in poor conditions.

China is manipulating its currency in a form of economic war known as ‘mercantilism’. Meanwhile, they whine as the USA is beginning to hit back.

And China’s ‘human rights’ remain highly dubious and does have considerable ramifications to advanced societies.

Further, China is increasingly unable to feed its 1.3 billion to the standard increasingly demanded.

China is highly vulnerable. As Mao should have said, it is a paper tiger.


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obama appoints coal polluter to oversee coal pollution

“As director of the Bureau of Mining and Reclamation in Pennsylvania, Mr. Pizarchik consistently made decisions that benefited industry at the expense of the environment and communities living in mining areas. And now, thanks to the Obama administration and the Senate, he can bring those same disastrous policies to mining practices across the country.” [Quoted from]

Of course, the lying and corrupt Obama is a major beneficiary of the filthy fossil fuel industry.

From our socialist organ of record:

“Whereas mains gas creates 185 grams of CO2 for each unit of heat created, oil releases 282 grams, coal releases 330 grams and electricity releases a massive 537 grams. In other words, heating your home or water with electricity will typically cause almost three times more global warming than using a modern gas boiler.” [Quoted from]

In France the carbon footprint of electricity approaches zero but, of course, our lefties seem unaware of clean, safe nuclear power, consevation, or even heat exchangers.

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nuclear power - is nuclear power really really dangerous?
distributed energy systems: conservation and micro-generation


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nancy pelution allows the absolute maximum of her cannon fodder to vote with republicans

In the hope their local constituents will not blame them for destroying the world’s most advanced medical business and the aspirational society:

“...Democratic lawmakers who opposed the bill — 31 of the 39 — represent districts that were won by Senator John McCain...”

Only two are from constituencies where the Democrats are dominant, Artur Davis of Alabama and David Kucinich in Ohio - and he’s gently barmy.

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a comparison between international health services


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uk’s downturns, thanks to brown the clown

Quick! Gimme the cash!

One of the best cartoons I’ve seen.

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uk deficit worse than iceland’s

OECD financial deficits, 2009
OECD financial deficits chart

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The UK socialist government is trying to criminalise parents who put their children’s education above ‘New’ Labour social engineering.

Some very good stuff at burningourmoney.

“* Reading - down from 7th in 2000 to 17th in 2006
* Maths - down from 8th to 24th
* Science - down from 4th to 14th

“So cost up - huge - and performance down - huge.’


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comments on socialism, inspired by uk government corruption of law

Context: amongst other things, parents are being forbidden from supervising their own children in a playground, while other parents must pay for a certificate to take friends children to school or after-school activities, and terror laws are being misused by local authorities.

Remember that at the core of UK law is the jury system, and that incorporates culture into law.

If the government is ruthless, then allied with a highly irresponsible fossil media, they can drive hysteria and thence develop dictatorial powers, especially if society is poorly educated.

The UK is subject to both such irresponsible fossil media and poor State education.

Poor education has been another objective of socialist ‘New’ Labour, but very likely they would not see it that way, as socialists are people without culture or depth, and who are in thrall to a cult belief system.

Other would-be dictators have travelled a very similar course.

Until sane education is establishd, society will remain vulnerable to the killer cult which is socialism. A vast amount of what pretends to ‘education’ has been captured by socialists, who understand nothing of personal behaviour. They have, and continue to, rewrite history in terms of socialist apologetics, thus leaving the population ignorant of the real dynamics of society.

Socialism is the creed of the ant hill. In the ant hill, the individual has no personal worth.

Socialism makes your society mentally ill.


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history repeats itself as germans try to pressure czech president - adolf would be proud

Time for Brown the Clown to go to Munich and get a piece of paper signed.

“...It was recently reported that the German Ambassador to Prague had called in the President of the Czech Supreme Court and told him to bring to a swift conclusion the legal challenge against Lisbon. Meanwhile, a senior German MEP called Jo Leinen has called for Mr Klaus to be impeached if he doesn’t sign.”

“ The odds are stacked against him. The other 26 governments, knowing that Lisbon is unpopular with their own electorates, are desperate to bring the whole wretched argument to a close. Eurocrats are desperate for a treaty that will bestow on the EU the final and definitive attributes of statehood: a foreign policy, a criminal justice system, a head of state, legal personality and, for good measure, a self-amending mechanism, the so-called “passerelle” or “gangway” clause, which allows the EU to annex fresh competences without needing the approval of the national parliaments. And, of course, Czech Euro-enthusiasts – diplomats, big corporations, civil servants and, not least, MPs – are lining up with Brussels against their own head of state.”


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bush forwards peace - obama gets prize

President builds world alliances, frees 100,000,000 or more, fights against AIDS and malaria in Africa etc. Creates huge natural reserve.

Bush frees and promotes freedom - Georgia, Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan; stops WMD project, Libya.

“Since the Sept. 11, attacks, the United States has been quietly working to develop new and stronger alliances where they matter most: with the governments and societies of the greater Middle East.”

“ When governments changed hands under the Bush administration’s watch, the United States has usually been better off with the result (Iraq and Afghanistan, of course, but also Georgia, Ukraine, Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, Canada, Colombia, Kenya and Liberia); only rarely have we been worse off (Spain and South Korea).” [Quoted from]

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“The president has tripled direct humanitarian and development aid to the world's most impoverished continent since taking office and recently vowed to double that increased amount by 2010 -- to nearly $9 billion.” [Quoted from]

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“The three areas—totaling some 195,274 square miles (505,757 square kilometers)—include the Mariana Trench and the waters and corals surrounding three uninhabited islands in the Northern Mariana Islands, Rose Atoll in American Samoa, and seven islands strung along the equator in the central Pacific Ocean.

“We should be very happy because it's the largest marine area ever protected, ...” [Quoted from]


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socialist ‘new’ labour’s hidden extra £350 billion tax just this year

It is important that you understand this.

‘New’ Labour are ‘borrowing’ about £175 billion this year and, as usual, this will probably be another government underestimate. Current inflation (money printing) this year is presently in the region of 17%.

The so-called national debt was £800.8 billion in July 2009 (the £175 billion above is to be added in).
Say 17% of 1 trillion is about £170 billion, stolen from the pockets of the population.

Thus £175 billion plus £170 billion makes (roughly) £350 billion, or more, in hidden (‘stealth’) taxes.

And that is just one year, and it does not include the rest of taxation.

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the mechanics of inflation:the great government swindle and how it works


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