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of chameleons and the vermin club Once, long long ago in 1948, as the UK Labour Party were getting into their regular and increasing difficulties, a socialist described the Tory [Conservative] Party as ‘vermin’.
Naturally, this was an opportunity not to be missed. The Vermin Club was rapidly organised by the grassroots of the Tory Party.
From varying sources with modifications. Fifty-eight years later, Prescott, another socialist bruiser, has also tried to brand the Tory Party leader as Untermenschen, using a colourful creature which, apparently, David Cameron’s daughter thinks looks like a cute frog. Unfortunately, poor John Prescott has now multitudinous troubles of his own making as the Labour Party is once more entering the third stage of self-destruct mode.
Part of Prescott’s intended ‘insult’ seems to be that Cameron favours liberty (a long tradition in the Tory Party), that he cares about the environment - as would any decent Tory - and that he is what the Americans would call a compassionate Conservative, in that he cares about the standards of public services. Perhaps it is time for a modern-day, colourful Chameleon Club - a very necessary replacement for Bliar and Prescott’s dull Red Party. the web address for the article above ishttps://www.abelard.org/news/politics0604.php#vermin_club_300406 |
sarkozy on integration of immigrants and marriages of convenience - from an interview with le monde - xavier The French Interior minister - a politician who can think, cutting through the hysteria from right, left and the media. A major contender to replace Jacques Chirac as president. [Freely translated from the French original]
the web address for the article above is https://www.abelard.org/news/politics0604.php#sarkozy_270406 |
steyn on iran & ‘useless’ diplomacy - the auroran sunset response/continuation by abelard
Despite his accurate, if colourful, descriptions, Mark Steyn is somewhat excessive in his scorn for the ‘useless’ pow-wow:
Steyn quotes Bill Clinton at the end of his piece in order to bash him, apparently failing to understand the wisdom:
The more resources the Iranian thugocracy waste on their
project before we blow it up the better. Clinton went into Kosovo far more unilaterally than Bush went into Iraq, and against a similar backdrop of baying cowards and useful fools. Steyn’s continuing attempts to paint Clinton as a “do-nothing” or a weak ‘liberal’ continue to not wash. Saddam stringing us along with ‘useless’ pow-wow just meant that more of his time and resources were consumed when we wasted his useless 4th largest military in the world, and then finally expunged his remaining pretensions. There is a world of difference between the ‘useless’ pow-wow of the UN dictators’ club, backed by a whole lot of nothing.. and the ‘useless’ pow-wow of the USA backed by a world dominant military in the hands of people clearly willing to use it. Clinton’s attitude makes a lot of sense. ‘Useless’ pow-wow is not always useless. This, of course, does not mean we should or will continue indefinitely. I would, for example, be uneasy with gambling that the next US president has the will to do what is daily becoming more seemingly necessary. Of course, this ‘time wasting’ also gives the petty dictators time to reconsider the precariousness of their position, to back down and thus to avoid bloodshed and waste.
Reponse/continuation by abelard: The fossiil media and various other leftist sources have made much of difficulties facing any American attempt to destroy a probably well buried Iranian nuclear weapons programme. As ever, their objections are far from realistic. Obvious potential targets are
There will be no shortage of targets. I would hope and expect Western sources to already know most of them. Anyone at any level or part of the bomb production would become a legitimate target. The Iranians are engaged in a high stakes gamble for considerable power. They are gambling that the West will not act, just as Madsam gambled, and lost. This is about an attempt to change the furniture of world power politics. They are making the same errors other ambitious dictators have made: that the West has gone soft. Iran is hoping to use nukes and third parties to threaten the West at will. The number of freeloaders in old Europe showed that many are quite content to attempt appeasement, bribery etc rather than pay any serious cost. But appeasement is always costly in the long run to powers that wish to be taken seriously. The free world is a coalition, but it is essentially ruled from Washington. The UN has sidelined itself. In my view, it will be increasingly ignored and replaced by a coalition of willing democracies. It is in the interests of neither Russia nor China to allow a mad nuclear theocracy, nor to tempt battle with the USA. Thus far, they are attempting to gain brownie points from fellow travellers and left-wing media in the West, but in due course they will be faced with a choice between cooperate or pay very grave costs. Do not confuse postures - in an attempt to undermine home support for international political rivals - with serious political decisions. Do not confuse manoeuvering for advantages with “when the chips start to fall” time. When the chips start to fall, serious powers will wish to come out ahead. Most of what you see in the fossil media and among pub philosophers is wishful ‘thinking’. It will be tolerated by the society until the decisions get serious. Up to that point, it is “feed the egos of the sheep” mode. It makes the sheep feel they matter and that means the sheep tend to support the political leaders when the going gets tough. No real politician takes the likes of pub philosophers seriously when hard decisions are in question. Many soft or hysterical commentators react with disbelief to suggestions that there may come a time when the American administration will decide it is necessary to nuke the likes of Iran. Of course they will if it is decided that it is the only effective action. This is serious. The question each of these gamblers attempts to test is, “Will Rome - now the USA - actually be prepared to swat the flies in Iran in the face of the immature caterwauling from appeasers and freeloaders?” All the while, the free world depends upon Rome, and hides behind their skirt. Further, the lunatics in Iran are building rockets designed to reach all Europe. The Iranians are also trying to build a network of infiltrators/spies/traitors/ fellow-travellers in your own back yards. There is no essential difference between the behaviour of the power seekers of the Middle East and the previous ambitions for world domination from cult socialists. The methods are the same, and you will have to oppose them or be ruled by them. People are going to have to make choices, as Bush has already warned at the UN. It is the nature of idiots that they want power without responsibility - a high standard of living without work, an insurance policy without paying the premiums. Meanwhile the kitchen is hotting up - as I have continually warned, Iraq is a tea party compared with what could develop. The Romans knew the score: “Let him who desires peace, prepare for war” - Vegetius. The Greeks knew the score: “We make war that we may live in peace” - Aristotle. Many of the old fools in Europe still think they can get by on dreams. Reality will come and bite you if you don’t wake up. Thank god for America and Bush. Another of the canards of the fossil media says that America’s battles in Iraq make the Iranian dictators’ position even more ‘impregnable’. Just the reverse is true. America’s intervention has signalled that the West will act, and it has established encampments on both sides of the Iranian theocracy. the web address for the article above ishttps://www.abelard.org/news/politics0604.php#steyn_diplomacy_190406 |
sane discussion of the chocolate euro and italy’s growing political problems Recommended scan. the web address for the article above is https://www.abelard.org/news/politics0604.php#italy_170406 |
‘drug’ prohibition under attack by scots police
related material https://www.abelard.org/news/politics0604.php#drug_prohibition_160406 |
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