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03 03-2
New translation, the Magna Carta







our wonderful uno—annan’s dubious record

“ One might think Annan far too compromised to become secretary-general but the UN doesn't work that way. Instead of being forced to resign after Rwanda and Srebrenica, he was promoted to the post.

“That is the culture of the UN: believe the best of barbarians, do nothing to provoke controversy among superiors, and let others be the butt of criticism afterwards. Even subsequent revelations about Annan's responsibility for the disasters in Rwanda and Bosnia did not affect his standing. On the contrary, he was unanimously re-elected and awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

“ Now, despite revelations about bribery in the UN's oil-for-food program for Iraq, the world is clamouring to entrust Annan with the future of more than 20 million Iraqis who survived Saddam Hussein dictatorship. That is because of who Annan is and what the UN has become: an institution in which no shortcoming, it seems, goes un rewarded.”

note that there are reports regarding the rwanda massacres that annan was probably bribed by the hutu leadership.. yet another internal investigation that will probably never see the light of day.

in the unscam matter, his son, kojo, is very highly implicated.. unscam being probably the biggest financial fraud in world history.

lifted from the auroran sunset blog

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