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establishment psycho-bunk empiric reasoning to social and psychological problems
sexual differences in childhood behaviour - socialist science: the result first, the study after

It's like Lewis Carroll:-
‘No, no!’ said the Queen. ‘Sentence first — verdict afterwards.’

An example contrasting Scandinavian pseudo-science with objectve research from other countries:

38:52 mins

The film maker could have gone further, there are now monkey and ape studies showing similar sex differences!

I wonder how our Norwegian nutters would cope with that!

Marker at

Seminal paper:
"Why Can’t a Man Be More Like a Woman? Sex Differences in Big Five Personality Traits Across 55 Cultures"
Schmitt, Realo, Voracek et Allik

"This study provides strong support for the claim that with greater human development and with greater opportunities for gender equality, the personalities of men and women do not become more similar (see also Costa et al., 2001; McCrae, 2002; McCrae et al., 2005). To the contrary, in more prosperous and egalitarian societies the personality profiles of men and women become decidedly less similar. Moreover, these changes appear to result from men’s cross-cultural personality variation. In more traditional and less developed cultures a man is, indeed, more like a woman, at least in terms of self-reported personality traits."

That is, with greater prosperity comes greater freedom of choice, including life-style preferences , which then tends to lead to greater gender differentiation in job selection.

Evolved sex differences and occupational segregation by Kingsley R. Browne

"Average sex differences in workplace outcomes are often assumed to be products of a malfunctioning labor market that discourages women from nontraditional occupations and a biased educational system that leaves women inadequately prepared for scientific and technical work. Rather than being a product purely of discriminatory demand, however, many sex differences in occupational distribution are at least partially a result of an imbalance in supply. Sex differences in both temperament and cognitive ability, which are products of our evolutionary history, predispose men and women toward different occupational behavior. The tendency of men to predominate in fields imposing high quantitative demands, high physical risk, and low social demands, and the tendency of women to be drawn to less quantitatively demanding fields, safer jobs, and jobs with a higher social content are, at least in part, artifacts of an evolutionary history that has left the human species with a sexually dimorphic mind. These differences are proximately mediated by sex hormones."

Women, careers, and work-life preferences by Catherine Hakim

"Some well-established assumptions that turn out to be myths rather than fact. First, we now know that there is no direct link between occupational segregation and the pay gap; the association is coincidental rather than causal, and the two are independent social developments or constructions. Second, there is no direct causal link between economic and social development and occupational segregation, or the pay gap; modern societies do not necessarily have lower scores on these two indicators of gender equality in the workforce. The country with the lowest level of occupational segregation in the world is China, not Sweden, as so many believe. Many countries in the Far East have lower levels of occupational segregation than in western Europe. The lowest pay gap in the world is not found in Sweden, as so many claim, but in Swaziland where women earn more than men, on average, followed closely by Sri Lanka. Third, higher levels of female employment produce higher levels of occupational segregation and a larger pay gap; they do not serve to improve gender equality in the workforce, as previously assumed, but worsen it. Even within western Europe, countries with the lowest female employment rates tend to have the smallest pay gaps, as illustrated by Portugal and Spain compared to Finland and Germany.

"Even more disconcerting is the evidence that family-friendly policies generally reduce gender equality in the workforce, rather than raising it, as everyone has assumed until now...Women are more likely to achieve senior management jobs in the USA than in Sweden: 11% versus 1.5%, respectively..."

recorded by Christina Hoff Sommers 5:08 mins

"Matronising" indeed!

4:28 mins

Christina Hoff Sommers' work is accurate and balanced. There are further of her videos linked at the side of this page.


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