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on classifying people - race, ethnicity, nationality or humans

I have been reading deeply on the problems for Rome with anti-Semitism in the 1930s, mainly concerning Pius XI (11th).

A gross confusion comes out of the 19th century, where commonly 'blacks' and 'asiatics' tended to be thought of as 'races'. This is a confusion only made by the most ignorant in the modern era, and then extended, by the seriously ignorant, to 'Jews'.

In the 1930s, the Church had a very long history of being down on Jews because they supposedly killed god, 'deicide' being the term of usage.

Meanwhile, the then pope was much concerned with the racism of Hitler (a Catholic apostate) and others. Racism is deemed a heresy as it denies that all people are children of god.

Then there is an ignoramus like Ed Miliband who claimed to be both a Jew and an atheist, an obvious contradiction in terms. Perhaps they are 'racists'?

Now the idiocracy want yet another box (category) labelled 'ethnicity' [whatever that means] to justify their hatreds and various irrationalisms.

These Haters should work on sorting their bigotry into more functional, or even more modern, boxes.

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cultural context for A psychological assessment of Adolph Hitler
On the Church and the German Reich (attack on Hitler)
The papacy in the age of totalitarianism by John Pollard, 2014 - highly recommended

The papacy in the age of totalitarianism
by John Pollard, first published iiin 2014

The papacy in the age of totalitarianism by John Pollard

Oxford University Press, pbk, 2016

ISBN-10: 0198766157
ISBN-13: 978-0198766155

£22.50 [amazon.co.uk] {advert}
$36.36 [amazon.com] {advert}

Kindle edition

file size: 2807 KB
print length: 560 pages
OUP Oxford, 2014

$18.59 [amazon.com] {advert}
£15.38 [amazon.co.uk] {advert}

The papacy in the age of totalitarianism by John Pollard

the web address for the article above is




governments controlling behaviours - a hierarchy of legitimacy

  • Forcing a person not to intrude on others : eg murder, burglary
  • Forcing a person to do something to or for others : eg pay taxes in order to enable politicians to buy votes with the dole.
  • Forcing a person not to do something to or for themselves : eg, thou shalt not ingest heroin or cigarettes.
  • Forcing a person to do something to or for themselves : eg, dress in public instead of go naked.

It isn't just the force that makes for illegitimacy.

The socialist government of Syria clearly is illegitimate. It is shelling and bombing its 'own' population,
as did the socialist government of Libya, as did the socialist government of Iraq.

Forcing parents to have a child inoculated against deadly contagious diseases is more complex.

And from abelard's document from 2000, the logic of ethics :

Acts that harm others are essentially unsane in a civilised state. Humans are struggling out of the swamp and the jungle. To attain a civilised state, we must strive to cause no harm. This can be expressed in the anarchist assumption, ‘your freedom stops when you step on my toes’ or otherwise, as much freedom as possible, as long as it doesn't interfere with the freedom of others.

As an example,
(1) the right of an individual to practice ‘culture’ of their choice, and
(2) the right of an individual NOT to be forced into conforming to or practising a culture they don't agree with, don’t like or with which they feel uncomfortable.
Where they conflict, (2) takes precedence.[4]

Rational approach combines awareness that we cannot look through the eyes of another, with the empiric observation that suggests people prefer to do as they wish. All dogmatisms or ‘laws’ develop from encoding the wishes of one or some persons and forcing them upon the many. Common interpretation of law often assumes some unattainable absolute knowledge. Laws do not arise from valuing each individual, but come from some imagined group advantage arising in the ego of dominant individuals or else negotiated by some set within a ‘group’.

Introduction - socialism & sociology

the web address for the article above is

1890 and freemasons, nowadays it's 'secular progressives'

From the encyclical, Dall'alto dell'apostolico seggio, 1890

6. ...The abolition in the schools of every kind of religious instruction, and the founding of institutions in which even girls are to be withdrawn from all clerical influence whatever it may be; because the State, which ought to be absolutely atheistic, has the inalienable right and duty to form the heart and the spirit of its citizens, and no school should exist apart from its inspiration and control.
- The rigorous application of all laws now in force, which aim at securing the absolute independence of civil society from clerical influence.
- The strict observance of laws suppressing religious corporations, and the employment of means to make them effectual.
- The regulation of all ecclesiastical property, starting From the principle that its ownership belongs to the State, and its administration to the civil power.
- The exclusion of every Catholic or clerical element from all public administrations, from pious works, hospitals, and schools, from the councils which govern the destinies of the country, from academical and other unions, from companies, committees, and families,
- an exclusion from everything, everywhere, and forever. Instead, the Masonic influence is to make itself felt in all the circumstances of social life, and to become master and controller of everything.
- Hereby the way will be smoothed towards the abolition of the Papacy; Italy will thus be free from its implacable and deadly enemy; and Rome, which in the past was the centre of universal Theocracy will in the future be the centre of universal secularisation, whence the Magna Charta of human liberty is to be proclaimed in the face of the whole world. Such are the authentic declarations, aspirations, and resolutions, of Freemasons or of their assemblies.

The Church was fighting furiously against the intrusions of the State, which in its turn was attempting to remove all education, charity and so on, as well as to capture all Church property, clergy appointments etc. This process continues to this day under such labels as "social justice" and "social progressive". It has generated many destructive forms of revolution around the world, resulting in tens of millions of deaths. Unfortunately, the babies are often ejected with the bath water.

One must just hope that some balance emerges from the conflict.


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papal encyclicals and marx - some extracts: on socialism and liberalism

Introduction - socialism & sociology

the web address for the article above is

grammar schools are not for the less advantaged

Old-style schools, where maybe 20% went to a selective school, causes as many problems as it solves. In fact, even during the 1960s and later, less than 10% went onto higher education, including polytechnics. In 1945, it would have been less then 5%. Selective schools may once have been a pragmatic answer to a devastated country after a great war, but that will not meet much changed modern conditions.

You see two graphs below. Take as an example 1960 where it is estimated that maybe 25% went to a grammar school. Yet of these, only about 5% ended up in higher education. It was not just the three quarters who were headed for dead-end jobs, but also four-fifths of those who went into grammar schools.

While I cannot rely on these numbers with much confidence, the modern propaganda that is coming from the few who did do well in grammar schools, is that these schools helped the poor escape their background.

Most of those that did do well were, in fact, those that came from better educated and upper middle-class backgrounds. Their parents could afford to help support their children through extended education, instead of them being forced to leave school to help support their families. As you can see on closer examination, the idea of the grammar school as an escape route form poverty becomes very thin.

Interestingly, if you examine the graphs you can see that, in general, as grammar school attendance fell, in fact, higher education participation rose!

The school leaving age in the UK was raised from 15 to 16 in 1972.

Higher ed. participation rates
Higher education participation rates 1950-2010 (source: government statistics; also from Dept BIS)

Higher ed. initial participation rates
Proportion of pupils in state funded grammar schools 1947-2016. Source: House of Commons briefong papr 1398

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Introduction - socialism & sociology

end note

  1. compulsory schooling in the UK
    1880 from 5 years to 10 years old
    1893 to 11 years
    1899 to 12 years
    1921 to 14 years
    1944 to 15 years
    1972 to 16 years

Alongside this tendency, increasing provision and pressure was developing for part-time schooling, for instance evening school, day release, apprenticeships. Considerable efficient training also occurred in the armed forces.


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us/russia cooperation on syrian mess

"We'll do your dirty work if you'll shut up about our dictatorship."

Linked artice is headed "Syrian conflict: US and Russia agree peace moves"

"Russia and the US have agreed to co-ordinate air strikes against Islamist militants in Syria, part of a detailed agreement to reduce the violence there. The plan will begin with a "cessation of hostilities" from sunset on Monday. Syrian forces will end combat missions in specified opposition-held areas. Russia and the US will then establish a joint centre to combat jihadist groups, including so-called Islamic State (IS). A Syrian opposition coalition has cautiously welcomed the agreement."

Introduction - socialism & sociology

the web address for the article above is

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