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government cartelised medicine
Comments on the extremism of socialist medicine in Canada. This style of medicine amounts to rationing by delay or unavailability, in place of rationing by cash. Worth a scan.
the legacy of bliar and the clown - always talk, always spin, always lies The Clown swans around in wellies pretending to care about the current UK floods, but pretence is all you’ll ever get from the Clown. Individuals always pay. In this case, once more to clear up the messes left by socialists. Far better to learn and do it right the first time. With a socialist government, it has to be done twice or not done, as is the more likely. The socialist way is to steal ever more taxes, to meddle, to be corrupt and mostly to do nothing effective; then to whine interminably at the natural consequences. Then look around for someone to blame. And when local communities try to clear up the mess caused by the incompetence of socialists, to put on wellies and prance around trying to take credit for the local effort,while pretending to ‘care’. The mess has been allowed to accumulate over more than a decade. The mess has been directly caused by the Clown, by his incompetence, by his lazy mindedness, by his stupidity. The problems have been recognised, and nothing has been done.
The fools have just concentrated on lying and spin, not only ruining the country’s infrastructure, but also undermining the pension system. The result of that sort of short-sighted behaviour is now all around. Soon enough, the results of the raided pension schemes will surface. In the meanwhile, the unaware will go on supporting the Clown for short-term imagined ‘benefits’, like their dole payments stolen from others and the future. The dole payments/bribes are the typical cost of socialism, more long-term destruction, to buy votes now. The result is less preparedness for the future, and thereby a steadily lowered standard of living for the UK’s children. These children are allowed, and even encouraged, to live in a dream world with no understanding of reality or future. Brown the Clown and his complicit population are spending their children’s inheritance, destroying the future viability of the country. This way of living destroys the future. Doing that is vastly more costly in the long run than fixing the problems while it is still possible. ‘A stitch in time save nine’ Now, the UK community will have to pay far more for this profligacy and stupidity than had action been taken long ago, while there were still such options. It is always the people that have to pay. The country belongs to the people. Do the unaware suppose that the Saudis or the Chinese will perhaps pay for them? It is very simple, choice - short-term socialism or long-term sense. the web address for the article above is | ||||
hanson on jihadis and the middle east
Victor Hanson seems to be returning to his confident unapologetic self. I do wish he’d stop getting his black moods. He is one of the few media writers with a head that is both informed and sane. related material the web address for the article above is | ||||
giuliani on energy independence - the auroran sunset. The Republican Party have their own moonbat wing: those who only care about sex, abortion, sex, queers, more sex, drugs and yet more sex. For months, this moonbat wing have been trying to orchestrate an Anything-But-A-Serious-Candidate campaign. Their current empty-vessel face is Fred Thompson. Happily, Rudy Giuliani is increasingly making them look ridiculous. There is no way that the moonbat’s vacuous sound-bites can keep up:
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from our very special correspondent - the clown is to spend billions on id cards, cameras and more dole Now, that spending’ll solve the real problems, says the Clown during a planning meeting amongst his highly important people. With ID cards, we will be able to trace those missing in floods. With cameras, which will now be waterproofed, we can watch the water flowing and rising. With the extra dole, our base vote will be able to buy new subsidised water wings. We have even decided to give back a fifth of a billion pounds to the flood defences budget in 2012. This socialist Labour government is doing things for their great British public.
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government, god, and flooding - as the jet stream moves north, the clown ‘plans’ to build still more on the flood plains The UK has a socialist government. That means inevitable short-termism allied to constant, inefficient meddling. The meddler in chief, Gordon Brown, has now captured the party machine. His meddling government wishes to ‘plan’ all ‘development’, but it is keeping all useful data centralised and secret. Further, the British government is refusing to educate the public in any useful skills. Why doesn’t Jo Sixpack even know what a flood plain is? It is hardly rocket science at that level. Meanwhile, the filthy fossil fuel industry, and other deniers, will tell you it is not happening.
A fairly technical indication of both the complexities of measurement and the scale of current changes:
Perhaps Brown the clown [the UK’s new prime minister] need lessons from Canute. Britain needs a complete replanning for global warming, with expected sea level rises and increasing weather disturbances. Meanwhile, old.new.old trots out dim ‘ministers’ claiming it is really god’s fault. Perhaps they are learning muslim fatalism? Weather science has been warning of these problems for decades. This is not an act of god. It is terrifying complacency, corruption and lack of even basic planning, as the filthy fossil fuel crunch closes in and the weather changes. Housing stock, both in Britain and elsewhere, should be built to far higher standards, not built for the short term by lazy socialists and their jerry-building housing contractors. The British government should not be not wasting tax money in preferential treatment to fund their dole clients. Labour’s socialist world will have to build on
stilts next. the web address for the article above is | ||||
the clown’s ‘open’ government - ads criticising the clown forced out Doubtless a co-coordinated attack from Victoria Street [Labour Party HQ].
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iraq progress map update - the auroran sunset Note that the big grey area on the left (Anbar) has in reality, if not officially, been largely turned over to the locals. This follows the highly successful turning of the tribes against Al-Qaeda and subsequent clearance operations - the model which is now being used in the rest of Iraq to similar effect. Only an idiot, or someone with a vested interest in Western failure, would suggest that we are losing in Iraq. Now why is it that so many "Democrats" are trying to push an artificial failure? Are they just stupid, or do their interests lie with our enemies? pace says we’re winning, ban ki-moon says think before you withdraw - the auroran sunset More on the continuing Iraq/Bush success story.
From UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:
It looks like George Bush has got yet another fool/crook (Annan) replaced with a someone more reasonable. related material !----> the web address for the article above is | ||||
old.new.old fiddles while the oil runs out
Full IEA 80-page .pdf report. It is heavy going, but is well illustrated with charts. Meanwhile, the UK government runs scared. Britain is behind in conservation. The North Sea oil is running down, and the politicians are scared mindless of doing what they must - building UK nuclear power. Britain runs down while Mandlebrot [Peter Mandelson], and Pillock [Neil Kinnock], and now [Tony] Bliar look to the main chance. What now Mister Cowardly Clown? !----> the web address for the article above is | ||||
villepin likely to face criminal trial - isn’t that a shame? and trying to thwart the USA intent to remove the mad murderer of Baghdad.
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fossil media on the other side - the auroran sunset AP and other fossil media outlets write about ‘massacres’ when they are false enemy propaganda designed to sap the will of the Coalition of the Willing. AP and other fossil media outlets refuse to write about real massacres carried out by their friends in Al Qaeda. We have treason and sedition laws on the books. Why are they not enforced?
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This is a useful article. However, the throwaway comment on Churchill is unsourced and unsupported, and the real level of the threat remains unenumerated.
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risk of great depression after ‘credit spree’ says bis [BIS - Bank for International Settlements] The following is my reponse to a correspondent who had taken this waffly article
seriously. Of course ‘downturns’ are ‘possible’. There’ll be a downturn if an asteroid hits Earth. Nothing much in the future is “foreseeable”. If you want to “foresee” the future, you may as well examine the entrails of a cockerel ritually slaughtered at dawn. Believing that you can foresee the future is a form of arrogant delusion. And what are people to do instead, if they can decline to borrow or spend? Stuff their money in a shoe? Supposing some people did not buy things. Will a refusal to buy ties bring down the world clothing industry? Why would it? Keynes held that there was no natural rate of employment/unemployment. His advice was for government to run projects to soak up ‘unemployment’. France has approximately 25% of the population ‘employed’ by government. Britain had about 13% when last I looked. [See also citizen’s wage.] Prior to Keynes was laissez-faire - that is, the market will correct itself. It is totally in error to imagine Keynes was a socialist. He was anything but. This is just another area where socialists have attempted to re-write history. Socialist governments have attempted to target unemployment by generating inflation. And this idiocy is starting again with a ‘democrat’ congress.
Keynes however (correctly) hated inflation:
Keynes broke the nonsense of classical economics. The bullshit academies and the leftist media are still engorged with the non-sense. The ‘theory’ of depressions comes from that dismal idiocy. Serious economics is not about pretty graphs. You are being taught seriously deranged ‘logic’ in the establishment, in the ‘universities’ it often leads to dangerously foolish actions. Keynes understood this.
The problem is not that you don’t know sommat. The problem is that you know things that ain’t so. The job of government is not to ‘forecast’ the future. It is to deal with present realities. The great depression in the 1930s ceased once governments grasped this fact. Keynes was one of the very great minds of the twentieth century. The fact that he has been followed by a cartload of foolish posturing monkeys is not the fault or responsibility of Keynes. The USA’s Fed is running sound money. The UK’s Clown is doing anything but. Alan Greenspan is one of the great minds of banking. Greenspan understands Keynes and he understands money. So did Keynes understand both money and reality. It is foolish to confuse the real world with ‘theories’ from lightweights and assorted dolts. So we should first concentrate on the real world, not damned ‘theories’. I repeat, how exactly might this alleged ‘crash’ manifest itself and play out? Forget the damned theories and the dopey scribblers in the fossil media, forget Mystic Meg. It is necessary to first put feet on the ground and then work it through. So if you manage to put forward scenarios suggesting why there should be a ‘crash’, then I will tell you what Keynes would advise or Greenspan would do - well, approximately. The real world is complicated. It depends on the individual acts of billions. It doesn’t depend on ‘theories’. Keynes and Greenspan were/are great men because they concentrated on and understood the real world. !----> the web address for the article above is | ||||
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