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union-owned nhs is the best health 'service' in the world, union-owned bbc says so

"And that is one of the sickening things about this story: the fact that people will turn a blind eye to unnecessary deaths because they lack the moral courage to face up to the well documented fact that this is not an aberration. The NHS has a long record of causing deaths that would not happen in an average healthcare system. Only recently, there was a comprehensive report into this which revealed that over 17,000 people a year die in Britain each year who would not have died if they were in an ordinary healthcare system elsewhere. Of course, that report also barely managed to get into the news. The BBC Radio 4 Today programme was going to interview Owen Paterson, the MP who commissioned the report, but the programme dropped the interview at the last minute.

"The BBC doesn't want to know. It does not genuinely care about the news or the truth. It just likes to join in the moral cowardice. It is sickening and shocking."

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fundamental confusion between nationalism and nation state

The Left and a great array of poorly informed, big brains, including fossil media pundits, have long confused nationalism with the nation state.

The Leftist dream of a centralised world government, a dream that is shared by Stalin and Hitler . (Stalin later preferred socialism in one country, as he appealed to nationalism in order to hold back Hitler's national socialism.)

Great thinkers like Freud and Einstein and the Fabians dreamed of world government. This is a very foolish dream, it leads to a world where a lunatic like Kim Jong-il could end up ruling the world.

The jingoism of the likes of National Socialism is not an answer to an elusive world peace, no more than are the mind control and re-education camps of Mao Tse-tung, or Stalin; or even Jeremy Corbyn and Barak Obama's versions International Socialism!

It is competition that forms some guard against socialist and theocratic dictatorships.

Along with this error of thinking is the belief that because the world benefits by international trade, and it does, that the removal of borders 'should' follow.

A country can protect its weaker citizens by forms of wealth transfers. It can even help other countries, to some extent, in that manner. At the same time, social and economic competition helps discover what works and what does not.

As the tired but accurate cliche has it, good fences make good neighbours.

There is no ideal society. Different people want different things. Differences are provided by different societies and cultures.

One does not have to invade neighbours, but humans have yet to remove the temptation. This is not an easy problem to solve. Many human problems are not easy to solve.

With an increasingly connected world, negotiation is more enabled and thus misunderstandings can be lowered. However, moderation and balance are what drives human advances, not the extremism of the market fundamentalists, let alone the shallow murderous cult of socialism. Both of these dream of world domination.

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