ecology news archives 9 |
ecology archives 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 III-2004: 17 18 19 22 30 |
engineering project reopened to revive the aral sea
Note: cotton is a highly intensive water user. related material gulf stream item the web address for this article is |
16.02.2004 related material |
the web address for this article is |
14.02.2004 |
state of north atlantic fisheries: book review
This review is a recommended read. the web address for this article is |
20.01.2004 | |||
more consumerism, more environmental pressure While this article contains some arithmetic gaffs, it is recommended for outline reading.
I have not seen the full report. the web address for this article is |
19.01.2004 | |||
a lightweight assessment of whaling
the web address for this article is |
03.01.2004 | |||
environmental standards and childhood
related material the web address for this article is |
29.12.2003 related material |
is soot a greater factor in global warming than previously supposed? News item transferred to dust, aerosols and particulates section of global warming briefings document. the web address for this article is |
26.12.2003 | |||
another warning on global warming
the web address for this article is |
23.12.2003 |
clathrates and hydrates—words you will increasingly hear
the web address for this article is |
22.12.2003 | |
ocean circulation system seems to be altering
the web address for this article is |
19.12.2003 | |
the web address for this article is |
18.12.2003 | |
Spain close to making rare seabird extinct
related material the web address for this article is |
17.12.2003 related
effects of early humans on climate suggested
And from
While I do not trust this second document, it gives useful background in simple language. As will be seen, it takes some effort of imagination to believe that and ever rising atmospheric CO2 load will not effect climate. [ab.]
related material the web address for this article is |
11.12.2003 related material |
advantage claimed for gm crop
Doubtless this method can be extended to wildlife impacts or other concerns. related material the web address for this article is |
08.12.2003 related material food production, genetic engineering and ecology |
are trees reliable carbon sinks?
the web address for this article is |
04.12.2003 | |
by crispin tickell The article starts part way down the page. It is worth reading, but is a wee bit ponderous.
This article covers the notion of catastrophic sources of dust in the atmosphere, among other broad categories of ecological threats. the web address for this article is |
02.12.2003 |
extinct since 1894 found alive and warbling in fiji Elvis expected any time soon. the web address for this article is |
01.12.2003 | |
atmospheric methane levels may have stopped rising
Methane is thought responsible for approximately 15% of greenhouse action. For more see this related document: the web address for this article is |
30.11.2003 | |
variation in animal numbers with indian numbers in north america
the web address for this article is |
21.11.2003 | |
This is pollution into the atmosphere. In addition, there is the sea pollution created by the illegal cleaning of tanks and holds into the high seas, in order to avoid harbour charges.
And that discharge pollution is merely the amount in the Mediterranean, “... the amount released globally into the sea from tank flushing was up to four million tonnes a year”. These two types of pollution are made by all motor-driven, sea-going vessels, not by just single-hulled oil tankers or the so-called “floating dustbins”. Pollution resulting from accidents and damage to ships at sea is a further source of environmental damage. editorial note: there are some questions raised by the statement on the quantity of oil spilt into the Mediterranean Sea.
This topic will be investigated further by related material the web address for this article is |
11.11.2003 related material |
feedback systems and global warming
related material the web address for this article is |
29.10.2003 related material |
grasses under stress
Short item, worth a scan the web address for this article is |
21.10.2003 | |
the advanced science: food production, genetic engineering and ecology
the web address for this article is |
20.10.2003 related material |
there is no global warming—it won’t effect us
The relates to a journey around the world, looking at warming effects. the web address for this article is |
17.10.2003 |
email email_abelard [at] © abelard, 2003, 26 september the address for this document is variable words |