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obarma - rabble rousing non-statesman Obarma’s not a politician, he’s an entertainer. His groupies are more interested in the beat than in the content. He isn’t meant to have intelligence. Get with the rhythm, man. Yeah yeah yeah. Yes we can yes we can yes we can can. The Obamaniacs would vote for Michael Jackson or Madonna if they could. They also want to shock their parents. They want to rebel. They want to pretend they have a personality. They want to believe they are ‘different’. Obarma is about emotion and manipulation. He is not about serious politics. He’s an immature and not very bright brat who yearns for power and ‘respect’. Obama is insecure, insincere and confused, but he has learned a few manipulative tricks that work on the immature and, incidentally, upon pseudo-intellectual wonkers. Intellectual wonkers are not very bright. They pass parrot exams by memorising. Then, they are told that means they are bright/smart. They are not bright. They are good conformists - sheep. School, school, school - talk talk talk. Look carefully at what Obarma has ever actually done! He doesn’t know squat. He doesn’t even know the number of states in the United States of America. All he knows is how to perform, and others are writing most of his lines. Such people have very little real-world experience. They have never actually done anything useful. We have another one as Prime Minister in the UK at present. Let Cole Porter educate:
It is a total mistake to take these youngsters seriously. They just want to get with the groove. related materialwho is obama? obama - judgment and experience end note the web address for the article above is |
the future is rushing towards us faster than a speeding bullet Now who is that complaining that those teens are ‘wasting their time’ on computer games? Meanwhile, IQ scores advance, despite the old fogeys yearning for the olden days when everything was right with the universe and people knew their proper places.
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being mean to fruit flies - or why socialists have some advantages, despite appearances Any human observer would expect that the inability to learn would result in the quick eliminations of socialists from the gene pool. But as we see, some of them manage to dress themselves and even to manage at local feeding stations (known widely as ‘supermarkets’). Thus, some socialists have been known to out-live even Republicans.
“Intelligent people tend to over-value intelligence”. the web address for the article above is | |
both the usa and france are now promoting the rescue of the people of burma/myanmar without reference to the junta It is good news that the West is increasingly moving towards ignoring the dictators club at the UN. It is long past time to put ethical policy ahead of appeasing lunatic dictators who are running slave states. The three tests for (a just) war suggested by Aquinas are
The foolish, sloppy-minded relativism of the Left has no place in a civilised world. As the slogan says:
Dictatorships like socialist Madsam in Irak, the Burmese junta, socialist Mugabe and socialist Kim Jong Il are not legitimate states. To treat them as legitimate rulers is madness. Treating the criminal rulers of these slave states as if they are representatives of legitimate nations, condemns millions to interminable poverty, fear and oppression. These people and the regimes they run are clearly criminal and, wherever possible, they should be treated accordingly. To allow such criminals and primitives access to modern weaponry is the politics of the madhouse.
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getting hitched and game theory Article summary: Women may be scared of being ‘left on the shelf’, but “more attractive” females often delay choosing their life-long mate because they wait for the right man - the most attractive one. Unfortunately, the most attractive men are often grabbed by less attractive women, who do not dither while looking endlessly for someone exactly right. There is a secondary weakness in waiting. As attractive men become taken, the remaining pool of available men has a higher proportion of less attractive men. Thus, pickety women have a lower chance of finding an attractive man according to their criteria. The inability to make decisions is a constant weakness in so-called intellectuals, the constant seeking of more information in order to seek more information. An inability to act is an intellectual weakness, a form of cowardice. The analysis in the article suggests a scenario where the term “more attractive” is being applied to females who show a distinct intellectual weakness and a lack of courage. Perhaps, this becomes a rather narrow definition of “more attractive”. It seems that these ‘researchers’ are valuing bimbo-ness [physical attractiveness combined with low thinking ability] more highly than evolution values that isolated quality. [Link from P.J. O’Donovan] the web address for the article above is | |
euler - a great mathematician, have you heard of him? Interesting light reading - a ‘pot-boiler’ history of mathematics, featuring a mathematician whose discoveries most have met and have used.
Euler is responsible for the naming of the symbol π, the creation of two others - e and i, and creation of Euler’s constant, γ . There are also the Euler Numbers: E0, E2, E4, E6, ... (the odd-numbered are all zero).
And what abelard finds interesting is the social background and history. For instance:
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uk social breakdown is caused by.....
A great deal of the problem is the interminable meddling by socialist governments. Most societies have managed with low rates of ‘marriage’ with extended families and neighbours contributing to child rearing - essentially a local tribe. Yet this foolish ‘judge’ wants still more government ‘action’/interference. As Hillary [Clinton] correctly says, it takes a village, yet the present UK society makes useful relationships fraught and dangerous. Try to set up your own schooling or other community-based cooperation, and the local busybodies will be down your neck in a trice. Now ‘judges’ interfere, planning ‘laws’ interfere, police stop anyone who defends themselves, as the state grabs and centralises ever more power. A major problem is that the courts where idiots like this ‘judge’ sit in isolation and empty pomposity, to act in secret. No society can learn from mistakes if its problems are swept under the carpet, hidden behind a veil of secrecy. Further, no society can fix its problems while it seeks to apportion ‘blame’. These human tragedies are deliberately hidden from public view. There, the problems fester while the people concerned are frightened to ask for help. Why? Because ignorant ‘social’ ‘workers’ can snatch ‘their’ children and make and enable arbitrary and stupid ‘orders’, backed by ‘judges’. Social breakdown is, in part, caused by ‘judges’ and their cronies, not by the lack of some romantic, mythical notion of a traditional family. the web address for the article above is | |
on running out of oil and other resources It will come that oil will no longer provide the resource that it did. To all intents and purposes, from the point of view of humans, oil will have ‘run out’. Naive theory and ‘hope’ that a useful replacement will be available cannot be fulfilled until that replacement is established. The fact that America and several other places appeared to absorb surplus populations does not mean that a similar Shangri-la will magically appear once the pressures go beyond the present holding capacity of the land. Several civilisations have run out of resources and disappeared/collapsed. The current Western civilisation has no special dispensation. It becomes a matter of which critical resource runs out first. It doesn’t have to be food, or water, or energy, or living space. Animals fight over diminishing resources. To stop the worst frictions, it is sane that any need/demand for resources is kept well within limits. Many peoples in the world want what the West has got. That leads to desertification and rapidly growing pollution, which spread around the world. On a smaller scale, it leads to a Rwanda, as the land is ever more sub-divided to the point there is not enough land to support the population. Some rail at Malthus. There is no solid reason to claim his understanding was ‘wrong’, though humans are now more dependent (this year) on energy than on food. Clinging to theory in preference to reality is, in technical speak, ‘nuts’. ‘Running out’ in a human context does not mean every last water molecule disappears. It also doesn’t mean people only have water if they have sufficient ‘money’ to pay for it. As an aside, look at the inflation rate in Zimbabwe, sufficient ‘money’ is meaningless in that circumstance. It is force, not ‘money’, that keeps socialist Mugabe in place. What ‘running out’ of water means is, there is not enough clean water for humans to survive. Now, that is already the case in many parts of the planet. The empiric data for that is millions are dying each year from contaminated water. Those people have indeed ‘run out’ of water or, if we have to satisfy any pedants, they have ‘run out’ of water to the extent that the water available to them has become insufficient to sustain life. Of course, what happens in one area can spread to other areas as populations and pollution increase. If the expected melting occurs, vast tracks of land go under the seas. Denialists can play Mister Micawber, always expecting, or hoping, ‘for something to turn up’, but sane humans, unlike the lilies of the field, use their intelligence in the hope of evading disaster or radical population collapse. Sane humans even store grain in the good years. The world reserves of grain have now been falling for several years - are they ‘good years’ or ‘bad years’? After all, people are still eating OK so far. Of course, we can all become vegetarians, but currently the trend is the reverse. We can always hope for another America on the moon. But people cannot be both sane and be Mister Micawber. Without filthy fossil fuels, people cannot even run SUVs unless vastly more energy is produced. The ultimate ‘running out’ relative to humans and human life is you die. Whistling a happy tune is not a sufficient remedy for sane people.
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