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only when it's pretty
18: night life

New translation, the Magna Carta


18: night life - the auroran sunset

Here at, we take a lot of photographs. Many of them are pretty or interesting. This is the eighteenth in a regular “photograph with little or no explanation or comment” feature.

The countryside is an amazing place even at night. Why anybody would want to live in a city is beyond me. Around this time of year, the salamanders come out to play on the paths and roads. Lots of them get run over. Here are a few of the (so far) lucky ones:

A salamander trying to hide in vegetation. Image credit: the auroran sunset

The next salamander is striking a stereotypical lizard 'standing' pose; salamanders are actually amphibians not lizards, but clearly the behaviours aren't that different.

A salamander in a stereotypical lizard 'standing' pose. Image credit: the auroran sunset

Salamanders, being nocturnal, don't seem to enjoy flash-bulbs. This one turns to face its tormentor: me. I stopped torturing it shortly afterwards.

A salamander turning to face its tormentor. Image credit: the auroran sunset

Clouds milling and rolling about like waves upon the sea, lit from behind by a full moon:

Moon watching over wave-like sea of clouds. Image credit: abelard

A big toad trying to make itself invisible against a wall:

A toad sitting by a wall. Image credit: the auroran sunset