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the “eu constitution reform treaty” according to nu-labour After a EU referendum rejected the EU treaty, that treaty was ‘revised’. The dishonest UK government is now claiming that this ‘revised’ version is very different to the version rejected by referendum [see blue arrows above]. Other EU countries do not agree, as listed to the right of the image above. the web address for the article above is | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
the state of the uk national health service after 10 years of socialist incompetence Collected to emphasise just how incompetent is this socalist government.
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is the uk’s brown the clown ready for a general election? Gordon Brown’s record, both before his appointment as prime minister
and since, objectively is not very promising. the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease Brown did not “tackle” this problem. Rather, he refused to fund the upgrading of a major biohazard unit four years after the report that it was needing improvement. Meanwhile, foot and mouth continues to spread. the flooding of middle england Brown’s irresponsible failure to introduce planning regulations
that secure against flooding and reckless building on flood plain caused
the flood disasters. Remember that Gordon Brown, as the UK’s finance
minister, controlled all government expenditure. national financial mismanagement A combination of Brown’s tax policies, an inadequate deposit situation, his splitting of Bank of England functions and his constant high inflation are at the heart of the Northern Crock collapse. This combination undermines Britain’s vital international financial market advantages. Brown the Clown is showing himself to be a fool, and a dishonest fool at that. What truly amazes is that each time one of these self-inflicted disasters are visited on the British public, Brown parades before the supine and left-leaning media droning a few mealy-mouthed ‘promises’, the media then tirelessly vaunt him as the great beloved leader ‘taking charge’ of the crisis. His luck is that uncritical Britons, many of whom receive government alms, will still vote for him, while the brain drain from Britain continues. Even today, Brown is looking at ways to further undermine the rule of law in his constant prioritization of grabbing still more tax.
In the UK, drivers receive up to 12 penalty points for driving-related offences before the licence is confiscated. This is in addition to any fine. In general, speed cameras are not used as a safety measure in the UK, but as revenue-generating devices. In France, cameras are advertised hundreds of yards ahead; in Britain, they are carefully hidden behind trees, road signs and around corners. The real reason, as ever with this government, has nothing to do with the rule of law or safety. related material the web address for the article above is | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
brown the clown true to form over northern rock True to form, Brown the Clown hides in his bunker while sending out Alistair Sweetheart to blame the mess on David Cameron! The depth of dishonesty and lies put around by the Clown make Bliar look like a boy scout. So now the Clown’s mismanagement over ten years
is really Cameron’s fault. Clowning is pathos. Chaos follows the Clown around like a shadow.
related material Foot-and-mouth disease is a very high-level biohazard. Instead of funding the upgrading of one of the most critical biohazard units on the planet, Pirbright in Surrey, the Clown was more interested in buying votes. Why is Mr. Brown not being charged? Meanwhile, why is the fossil media instead praising the criminally incompetent Clown for a few insipid camera appearances? Blithering words trump actions and competence perhaps?
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us ambassador crocker’s statement to congress joint foreign affairs hearing
Unusually, the Crocker analysis was long-term, clearly delineated realism, a thing I see presented far too rarely.
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senior uk judge wants national dna database
After the suggestion by a ‘senior’ judge that all people in the UK, or visitng for at least a weekend, should be added to a giant national DNA database so that the data held would be ‘fair’, the government said they have “no plans to introduce a universal compulsory or voluntary national database”. From the judge:
Thus, it is unfair that there are people who are not on a DNA database, so everyone should be on one. Extending this logic: Only a crocodile could claim that was ‘fair’. the web address for the article above is | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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