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observations on supposedly peaceful iran - daily mail distortion

the Iranian hunt for unsuitably dressed women has opened

Picture of idyllic Iran, according to the Mail
“Changing tastes: An Iranian mother and her daughters enjoy ice creams”
[image credit: Daily Mail]
Clothing police arresting unsuitably dressed Iranian women
[image credit: Le Figaro]

In the real world....from Le Figaro:

“Couleurs trop vives, chevelure apparente, chevilles dénudées, talons trop hauts ou manteaux un peu trop cintrés : le 22 avril dernier, les policiers (ici une femme policier vêtue d'un long voile islamique noir corps entier) ont procédé aux premières arrestations pour non respect de la loi vestimentaire."

Colours too bright, visible hair, naked ankles, heels too high or coat belts a little too tight : on the 22nd April, police (here, a female police officer dressed in a long black hijab covering the entire body) started on the first arrests for not respecting the clothing law.”

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Now...from the Daily Mail:

“The fashionable cafes are full of painted, un-Islamic butterflies, sipping milkshakes or coffee. The upstairs rooms are reserved - by common consent - for couples to meet away from the intrusive eyes of their families.

“In the evenings, cinemas are popular places for some mild canoodling, though it is unlikely to go further than a Fifties-style kiss. But there is plenty of extramarital and illicit sex in Iran, some of it licensed by the Islamic authorities who permit highly dubious 'temporary marriages'. Among the rich, operations for 'revirginisation' are quite common before marriage, and contraceptives, once prohibited, are now freely on sale. Prostitutes patrol the night streets. I point this out not because I am specially glad about it, but to show how morals enforced from on high will fail if they do not have real popular support.”

Interesting observation in Iran, but larded with commentary of great immaturity. Meanwhile, the loons with their fingers on the buttons are building, and attempting to build, rockets capable of reaching all Europe.

And now they want nuclear tips.

This is like seeing national socialist Germany through the 1936 Olympics and the sidewalk cafes. Accepting Germany at that time as being benign was a mistake widely made by this very same fossil media organisation [the Daily Mail], still controlled by the same family [Rothermere].

This same escapist nonsense was presented to Britain in the 1930s by Neville Chamberlain.

I submitted a similar criticism to the Mail on Sunday and they censored it. They have only publishing supportive comments and responses.

I was concerned that the argument of Hitchens (the article’s author) is foolish and/or misleading. I do not read him much as I tend to have him in the box labelled ‘light-weight’, so I pay him very little attention.

Hitchens’ holiday snaps from Iran are useful and welcome observation. His immature ranting is served up with the sugar of his holiday snaps.

That mixture can distract from his immaturity.

Back To Reality:
In his eulogy to Iran, Hitchen tries to claim that Iran is in fact not a world problem. Absurdly, he even tries to imply that Turkey is worse! Nowhere does he mention the mullahs funding, training and arming all the major terrorist groups active in the world today. Iran’s mullahs created and directly controls Hizbollah, the cause of Lebanon’s troubles. The Shia half of the Iraqi ‘civil war’, Sadr, is an Iranian puppet - now that the Iraqis are taking apart his/their terrorist organisation, Sadr has fled to his friends in Iran. The mullahs has also been caught funding and arming Al-Qaeda in Iraq - the ‘other’ ‘side’ of the Iraqi ‘civil war’. The mullahs support Hamas and Islamic Jihad in a similar fashion to Hizbollah. The mullahs have floughted international law since their inception - the latest example being their disgraceful kidnap and mistreatment of some British soldiers.

The West are doing all they can to separate the illegitimate mullahs from ‘their’ long-suffering slave population. Hitchen, meanwhile, acts the part of flak for the mullahs by pushing the idea that there is some legitimate confluence of interests between the people and the dictatorship. That idea is ridiculous to say the least. As he correctly says, the people are generally pro-Western and generally hate the mullahocracy’s idiocy and brutality.