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observations on supposedly peaceful iran - daily mail distortion
In the real world....from Le Figaro:
Now...from the Daily Mail:
Interesting observation in Iran, but larded with commentary of great immaturity. Meanwhile, the loons with their fingers on the buttons are building, and attempting to build, rockets capable of reaching all Europe. And now they want nuclear tips. This is like seeing national socialist Germany through the 1936 Olympics and the sidewalk cafes. Accepting Germany at that time as being benign was a mistake widely made by this very same fossil media organisation [the Daily Mail], still controlled by the same family [Rothermere]. This same escapist nonsense was presented to Britain in the 1930s by Neville Chamberlain. I submitted a similar criticism to the Mail on Sunday and they censored it. They have only publishing supportive comments and responses. I was concerned that the argument of Hitchens (the article’s author) is foolish and/or misleading. I do not read him much as I tend to have him in the box labelled ‘light-weight’, so I pay him very little attention. Hitchens’ holiday snaps from Iran are useful and welcome observation. His immature ranting is served up with the sugar of his holiday snaps. That mixture can distract from his immaturity. Back To Reality:
The West are doing all they can to separate the illegitimate mullahs from ‘their’ long-suffering slave population. Hitchen, meanwhile, acts the part of flak for the mullahs by pushing the idea that there is some legitimate confluence of interests between the people and the dictatorship. That idea is ridiculous to say the least. As he correctly says, the people are generally pro-Western and generally hate the mullahocracy’s idiocy and brutality. the web address for the article above is |
the web address for the article above is | ||||||||||||
election time in france, 2007; The official election posters of the twelve candidates that have just been posted up in the 46,000-odd communes in France. The sets of panels are set up, without any posters, about two weeks before the actual election. The numbered position of each candidate’s poster is decided by lot, and is the same throughout France. This year, the posters are being put up by a private contractor, which is why there is a full set of posters on each poster panel set. First, a set from the deep country, still untouched after two days: Next, the same array from a small town. These have been selectively attacked (and some reposted). N°4, Francois Bayrou, has the poster half ripped and “deceitful arse” scrawled. The hunting, shooting and fishing candidate (n°9), the man everyone loves to hate - Le Pen (n°10), a couple of the more loony left (n°s 3 and 11) and that of Ségolène Royal (n°8) have had some ripping (hers for the second time round). It appears that several have not been favoured with attention, while the posters for the two main contenders, Nicholas Sarkosy (n°12) and Ségolène Royal (n°8) have been renewed after major attacks. Some of the candidates:
Translation: It is from the strategic point of view that the Le Pen vote surfaces to be the best option for the 2007 elections. We know that the reticence that many among us feel at making this choice, but it is time to leave the emotional and enter a more effective strategic dimension to guarantee our rights and interests in France. Thus, in view of the situation with the socialist feminist Ségolène Royal and the Zionist Islamophobe Nicolas Sarkozy, Muslims have a duty to vote Le Pen.” —«Jean-Marie Le Pen est le seul candidat à proposer une politique internationale juste favorable aux pays arabes face à la menace des Etats-Unis et d'Israel.» Translation: the web address for the article above is | ||||||||||||
on freedom and franchise - killing at virginia tech This person, Cho Seung-Hui, was treated as an adult and allowed to buy
guns. You want freedom. Why is anyone surprised at this massacre? Why is there any outrage when this is an obvious outcome of the ‘philosophy’ under which so many confused people wish to live? I can see annoyance at the outcome, or I can see the wish to run a society on the dippy dogma of ‘equality’. I cannot see how people can cling to both these contradictory positions or responses.
He shows intrusive behaviour.
I am told Britain has more cameras per square cm than any other country.
A continuing pattern of intrusive behaviour.
But he was released into the community.
That is, they were urged to fantasise by so-called educators.
So again, Cho was recognised as aggressive, yet his ‘rights’ to be aggressive and intrusive appear to have been placed above those of teachers and students.
I hope he was asked nicely.
More intrusive behaviour. In the Virginia Tech incident, we see someone who is exhibiting highly aggressive and stalking behaviours. These behaviours should be unacceptable in a modern society. We also see a continuing history of teaching staff and other people in authority - who have the power to curb, contain and maybe even change Cho’s behaviour - being passive, cowardly even, and much mired in the foolishness of the political correct left-wing dogma. And now to expand a little in response to various questions from correspondents. First question: so, how would I deal with a person like Cho? Treat them as a child. At the heart of this ‘case’ is an obvious lack of any reasonable psychological education. I want a basic course in social skills in all schools. The basic areas of study:
Adult franchise would only be conferred when such a course is passed to the level of a 13 year old of average intelligence. Yes, it was madness that such a person was able to buy a gun so easily. However, I would go much further. I regard it as ‘madness’ that he was treated in any degree as an adult. The reason that I commented on the amazing number of CCTV cameras in the UK is that, despite America running a society supposedly dedicated to freedom, those freedoms have been specifically removed on the Virginia Tech campus, and yet the adults had no idea of Cho’s movements on campus. Despite ordering no guns on campus, they are also exercising zero, or near zero control systems. In fact, quite beyond rational belief, the perp was able to set up a control perimeter, by chaining and locking doors. You can have a control society, such as Tony Bliar (like any socialist) is attempting to put into place, or you can have a free society, as the United States is attempting to run. The Virginia Tech campus was run in a confused and thoughtlessly contradictory manner. With Britain you have sheep, not citizens; in the United States, the theory is you have citizens not sheep. I do not want the UK. I have voted with my feet against socialist Britain. America is claiming freedom, but then the campus imposes gun restrictions. That is inconsistent. I do not wish to live in an irrational/inconsistent society. To go still further. I am quite content for people to freely live in the UK sheep pen without benefit of rule of law. I am content for people to choose to live in the mad house that is often the USA. I would rather there were a more rational society for me. related material the web address for the article above is | ||||||||||||
the wolfowitz smear, yet more lefty & fossil media dishonesty - the auroran sunset
More details here. the web address for the article above is | ||||||||||||
definitive test for old.new.old’s lie detectors for welfare applicants
Related material: the web address for the article above is | ||||||||||||
dems in increasing problems as two losers fight it out It is an open secret that Hillary cannot win against any serious
Republican candidate, especially Giuliani. Naturally, the Republicans want to deal with Obarmy rather than Hillary, despite her very strong negatives. Now, I wonder why Obarmy is getting so many ‘donations’? The best government that money can buy. And then there is that major Dem shill, Morris, who hates Hillary. He’s one of the world’s most astute political operators - one very bright fellow, so naturally he’s highly confused! He’s now a catholic convert, so he hates female freedoms - how confused can you get? A big reason, aside from being so sharp, that Morris is so powerful is that, unlike most of the political light-weights and cacklers, he actually truth-tells - at the very least what he believes to be ‘the truth’. Dick Morris wrote the brilliant political analysis book Behind the Oval Office, and has been riding it with a bunch of empty tripe pot-boilers ever since. He’s married to a major Republican shill, but now she’s mostly a shadow. Perhaps she converted her brilliant hubby, once he realised his old boss had a dick. Now the ‘couple’ have but one voice and are behind vote.com. This is a supposed polling venture which has no political opinion. I’ll believe it, if you will! At least that may stop heated disputes before brekker. They want to be big on the net. Perhaps they just wanna be rich and ‘enjoy’ the American dream. And now the one voice with two heads is/are writing for the great Fox news.
Soo-o-o-o-o bitter! And here’s Morris on Obarmy:
Has she who must be obeyed also converted him to the GOP? Meanwhile, the Republican fundies are going madly up their own rear-ends trying to rid themselves of their best hopes in Giuliani, simply because Giuliani isn’t as mad as they are! So, we now have two parties trying to find candidates as mad as their own fundies. Either a lefties appeaser for the Dems, or a born again nut-job for the Repubs. I wonder if both lots will manage to produce a real loser like the bolt-neck idiot the Dems managed to dig up last time, or will one party get a reasonable candidate by sheer accident? the web address for the article above is | ||||||||||||
I note the rise of cackle over a few UK naval personnel selling stories to the fossil media, and I wonder, as I often do when seeing such cackle. Society accepts some young lady selling her story of nikkers and football kit. Even in this current story, I see the Sun newspaper is headlining nikkers!! Society accepts the mediocre Tony Bliar, who will doubtless regale the world with his wondrous administration on the payment of millions. Yet these people, doing a worthwhile job, are to be barred from making a few bucks from their travails? The money will probably serve a better purpose in their pockets than in the latest dummy who can kick a ball around once or twice a week. Perhaps one should worry about some entrepreneurial soldier seeking to get caught for profit? Wellll, do you really believe that is likely? This is a new age of individualism. We have military forces who are meant to be professional, and able to think for themselves. The days of marching mindless conscripted clones is past. The serving military increasingly use blogs to get out the realities, rather than relying on the self-serving pap of politicians and left-wing fossil media. I’m not sure I much care if a soldier gets a useful windfall. In fact, I’m less concerned by that than by some dimbo who can answer a few questions on Narnia, or who has a winning a lottery ticket, getting a prize. Time to adjust, time to get with the modern world. These are real people, and a damned sight more useful and productive than most. They are part of society. They are citizens in good standing. So why the faux-outrage? Is it jealousy? Is it old fools not adjusting to the changing, more individualist, modern world? Or is there a real argument somewhere buried in the cackle? The military personnel claim to have given no ‘secrets’. In fact, I doubt they had much ‘secret’ to offer. I even doubt that the Iranians could use anything they were offered. Meanwhile, Iranian students are being taken into Western universities and being taught nuclear physics. I do wonder if some of the cackle is disappointment that there are no longer saints, or ‘real’ heroes to worship. Or is it more of, “it weren't like that in my young day”! And now, having opened what seems to be a Pandora’s box of free choice mixed with freedom of information and money, the UK government is trying to put the lid back on - no stories to be sold, while the one testimony that had slipped through, that of the only woman, was strangely silenced after about half a minute’s broadcast on tonight’s TV news. the web address for the article above is | ||||||||||||
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