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New translation, the Magna Carta

  some commentary on the utøya shootings

A daft man violently attacked others with arguably daft ideas.

Daft people live in fear, and so build around them a cocoon of make-believe which makes them feel safe. For such people, feeling is vastly more important and relevant than the real world - the real world that they fear so much.

Such people will always vote for those who tell them comforting lies.

One crude analysis is that the left-wing is female - mummy, while the right-wing is male - daddy.

Mummy tends to protect the children from the nasty world with comfort stories.
Daddy tends to say, “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”

Sane people grow up, hard times make a few grow up.

Then daddies go to war, and mummies struggle to keep the cotton wool around the children.

And in this situation, the adult children had no means to protect themselves.

the web address for the article above is




screws of the world: faux outrage in every direction

As if anyone can involve themselves with the Screws and simultaneously keep their hands clean.
But but, the sheep are bleating and we may lose support.

“And it’s not us,it really isn’t.”

As if there isn’t a darker world involving politicians, police and ‘news’papers, power and money, envy and ambition.

The whining hysterical hypocrisy is worse than the original degeneracy.

There is little more shabby than the screeching chatter of the fallen monkey seeking and attacking, in pursuit of spurious reputation.

Latest: again, Rupert Murdoch,and his son, do the right thing - they bin this most poisonous rag.

the web address for the article above is

disease and social breakdown

“The disorganisation of the state, combined with low standards of public education, made an already desperate situation even worse. One of the most shocking aspects of the epidemic was the outbreak of riots against the UN "stabilisation force" in Haiti, whose Nepalese members were widely blamed for bringing the disease to the country. This was despite the 12,000-strong force having little contact with the population and playing little or no role in dealing with the consequences of the earthquake. But it was seen in some quarters as propping up a generally hated government. Violent disturbances expressed popular outrage in the face of a previously unknown disease.

“Such popular disturbances during epidemics are nothing new. In the early 1830s, the arrival of cholera in Britain provoked widespread assaults on doctors, who were accused of poisoning people in order to obtain fresh corpses for the anatomy schools – an echo of the notorious Burke and Hare murders not long before. In Naples in 1884 and in parts of Russia in 1892, there were disturbances as people resisted the attempts of a corrupt or remote and authoritarian state administration to impose quarantines during cholera epidemics and forcibly remove the sick to isolation in hospitals. The medical profession was accused of poisoning the poor in order to reduce the burden they imposed on the state.”

Long version podcast link included in article (80 minutes).

related material
on flu pandemics

the web address for the article above is

on the cambridge five

A group of English men had been recruited by Soviet Russia to spy for the USSR, all recruited while they were studying at Cambridge University. There were known to be five, but only the four were definitively identified. Eventually, each of the four was caught.

But were there any other similarities?

Guy Burgess : studied history. This regarded as the easiest degree subject.
homosexual (therefore easily blackmailed)
Donald Mcclean : studied languages
Kim Philby : history and economics
Anthony Blunt : started in maths, then switched to languages
[older than the others, he was a tutor at Cambridge when the others were students]
Blunt was the most dangerous of the four, with upper class/royalty links
and maybe involved in the recruitment of others.

Not heavily linked to the other four, but suggested as the fifth Cambridge spy:
John Cairncross : languages.
He penetrated Bletchley Park, the WW2 message decoding centre.

This occured in the 1930s, 80 years ago, an age where far less was known and young fools get romantic notions. Their education was not serious education, it was pseudo-intellectualism. Not one of them had a background in scientific education.

In those days, the propaganda was that the Soviet socialists were on our side and, of course, many unsophisticated and gullible people believed it.

Remember, it is much easier to fool people who know nothing. It is much easier to sell a daft theory to a person who knows nothing but theory, who has no real-life experience. It is wrong to imagine that just because a person has some unaccompanied parrot degree, that they are ‘educated’.

Neither does a sane franchise by examination exclude any above the level of an IQ of 90 or so.

I do not regard doing languages or history as teaching people to think clearly. They are mostly memory games, although they have moved on somewhat from 80 years ago.

Theory alone is not education. Passing exams is not a sufficient definition of ‘education’. People with dull minds can pass exams, and remain very poorly informed.

related material
Citizenship curriculum

the web address for the article above is

italy hasn’t learned from the ‘trial’ of galileo

“Earthquake prediction can be a grave, and faulty science, and in the case of Italian seismologists who are being tried for the manslaughter of the people who died in the 2009 L'Aquila quake, it can have legal consequences.

“The group of seven, including six seismologists and a government official, reportedly didn't alert the public ahead of time of the risk of the L'Aquila earthquake, which occurred on April 6 of that year, killing around 300 people, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.”

the web address for the article above is

social conscience in japan

“A group of more than 200 Japanese pensioners are volunteering to tackle the nuclear crisis at the Fukushima power station.

“The Skilled Veterans Corps, as they call themselves, is made up of retired engineers and other professionals, all over the age of 60.

“They say they should be facing the dangers of radiation, not the young.”

the web address for the article above is

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