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  the theology of lunacy - daeish theology

A longish item.

"Denying the holiness of the Koran or the prophecies of Muhammad is straightforward apostasy. But Zarqawi and the state he spawned take the position that many other acts can remove a Muslim from Islam. These include, in certain cases, selling alcohol or drugs, wearing Western clothes or shaving one's beard, voting in an election—even for a Muslim candidate—and being lax about calling other people apostates. Being a Shiite, as most Iraqi Arabs are, meets the standard as well, because the Islamic State regards Shiism as innovation, and to innovate on the Koran is to deny its initial perfection. (The Islamic State claims that common Shiite practices, such as worship at the graves of imams and public self-flagellation, have no basis in the Koran or in the example of the Prophet.) That means roughly 200 million Shia are marked for death. So too are the heads of state of every Muslim country, who have elevated man-made law above Sharia by running for office or enforcing laws not made by God.

"Following takfiri doctrine, the Islamic State is committed to purifying the world by killing vast numbers of people. The lack of objective reporting from its territory makes the true extent of the slaughter unknowable, but social-media posts from the region suggest that individual executions happen more or less continually, and mass executions every few weeks. Muslim "apostates" are the most common victims. Exempted from automatic execution, it appears, are Christians who do not resist their new government. Baghdadi permits them to live, as long as they pay a special tax, known as the jizya, and acknowledge their subjugation. The Koranic authority for this practice is not in dispute. "

"Choudary took pains to present the laws of war under which the Islamic State operates as policies of mercy rather than of brutality. He told me the state has an obligation to terrorize its enemies—a holy order to scare the shit out of them with beheadings and crucifixions and enslavement of women and children, because doing so hastens victory and avoids prolonged conflict.

"Choudary's colleague Abu Baraa explained that Islamic law permits only temporary peace treaties, lasting no longer than a decade. Similarly, accepting any border is anathema, as stated by the Prophet and echoed in the Islamic State's propaganda videos. If the caliph consents to a longer-term peace or permanent border, he will be in error. Temporary peace treaties are renewable, but may not be applied to all enemies at once: the caliph must wage jihad at least once a year. He may not rest, or he will fall into a state of sin."

end note

  1. Takfir is branding a person an apostate and, therefore, legitimises killing them.

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the evolution of legal attacks on evolution

"Although supporters of these efforts try to avoid the creationist label because of past court decisions, "at least 63 of 65 anti-evolution bills considered here can be tied directly to creationism through statements in the legislation or by sponsors," Matzke writes.

Policymakers and advocacy groups aren't lacking for support when it comes to how the American public falls on the scientific validity of evolution by natural selection. A Gallup poll released last year showed that 42 percent of Americans believe that God created the universe in its present form around 10,000 years ago. Half of Americans endorse evolution, and among those, just under two-thirds believe that a divine hand guided the process.

The poll also found that those who backed evolution also reported being more familiar with the theory. Similarly, those who were less educated on evolution were also less likely to believe in it."
[Quoted from]

Marker at

"Matzke's analysis shows that academic freedom acts were popular in 2004 and 2005 but have since been "almost completely replaced" with science education acts, which emerged as the strategy of choice after the adoption of a 2006 anti-evolution policy in Ouachita Parish, Louisiana. (That policy's lingering impact on creationist teaching was thoroughly exposed by Zack Kopplin in Slate earlier this year.) These acts tend to call for "critical analysis" of scientific topics that are supposedly controversial among experts. They often lump evolution alongside research areas like climate change and human cloning—an effort, argues Matzke, to skirt legal precedents that connect policies solely targeting evolution with unconstitutional religious motivations."
[Quoted from]

Editorial note:
'Academic freedom' = the right to teach rubbish.
The more recently popular variation is "critical analysis of scientific topics that are supposedly controversial among experts".

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