is it the bbc ‘reporting’, or is it the onrush of scientific doctors of medical science?
“If some day we do manage to develop a [hiv]
vaccine, there's no reason to believe it wouldn't work.”
Dr. Robertson. [Quoted from]
And from the BBC weather ‘forecast’:
“It is going to be a little bit more clearer....”
According to our investigative reporter,
The Groaniad [Guardian] says BBC recruiting policy now requires that
presenting applicants must be exhibiting standards that
include that no elitist English as she was spoken in the
historical times can be allowed inside applicants for
these important jobs.
This developing policy is constructified
so that applicants and viewers are not tricked inadvertent
into having lower self-images by the rotten bossy degenerate
decadent capitalist classes.
the web address for the article above is