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  staying in bed for money

Yde van Deutekom 's webcam watches his 24/7 while ads and donations come in.

A young Dutchman has worked out a money-making scheme out of his favourite occupation of sleeping.

As well as advertising and donations, apparently Yde van Deutekom is selling carbon offsets for all the carbon he is not consuming by being in bed.

Marker at

“With Oblomov, lying in bed was neither a necessity (as in the case of an invalid or of a man who stands badly in need of sleep) nor an accident (as in the case of a man who is feeling worn out) nor a gratification (as in the case of a man who is purely lazy). Rather, it represented his normal condition. Whenever he was at home--and almost always he was at home--he would spend his time in lying on his back.”. [Quoted from Oblomov by Ivan Goncharov, 1858]

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  well, at least he drives a prius - fun advertising campaign

Well, at least he drives a Prius. Image: Toyota
Well, at least he drives a Prius. Image: Toyota

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